Two laboratories with car service for COVID-19 testing | El Salvador News

The Analyzes and Laboratory of the Diagnostic Center has this modality of disposal.

Among the five private laboratories to which the Ministry of Health has obtained the certification to obtain the PCR-RT test to detect COVID-19, there are two that come with self-service, a very comfortable facility for people who want to handle it, ya que no deben bajarse de su vehicula para les les hagan el hisopado nasofaríngeo.

Dichas empresas son Laboratorio Centro de Diagnóstico (suksurale Fuentes Beethoven) y Laboratorio Analiza (Avenida Jerusalén), las cuales atienden a cientos de salvadoreños día con día. The other three also have the Polymerase Reaction Probe (PCR-RT), but the people who drive the vehicle must park the same thing and move it to the test tube inside the laboratories.

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Blanca Oliva, General Manager of the Laboratory Diagnostic Center, explained that attendance at this program, with hours of media, quotes that can be made in person by phone, from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm And the time in which do the rehearsal from 6:00 am to 11:30 am on this with three days of anticipation.

The test vehicle PCR-RT inside the vehicle, in self-service modality, is very convenient for the persons who are known to be contagious. In the Laboratory Diagnostic Center and in the Analyzing Laboratory, its employees operate with all safety data. / Photo EDH Archive

The Laboratory Diagnostic Center explains in its Facebook page that it is the only one that performs the 100% automated test, which “eliminates human error and allows us to burn reliable results on the same day”, details in its information.

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An important explanation in both companies, is that the people who lie in a motorcycle can not make the nasopharyngeal hypothalamus about his vehicle, by which he must park and enter a cabin for the mother.

Ramón Germay Barrallaga, manager of Laboratorio Analiza, details that the company reached with a sample between 05:30 and 17:00, and agreed that the plan extends the service to only be done on the Aursida Jerusalén (as of August) , sino que en un mes abrirán dos más, tanto en la Colonia Médica como in Santa Ana.
