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Georgia decides EE.UU Senate control. in a adjusted election

Washington,. Joe Biden, and for that matter, if the new leader can take reforms of the fourth quarter. More than three hours have passed since the first ballots were cast, and with 87% of the votes cast, the Republican candidates in the Senate are leading by a margin of the vote, but it is hoped that the official will be late in completing them. A MAXIMUM ADJUSTMENT TO THE MAXIMUM The two Republican senators in ownership, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, accounted for more than 51% of the papers on their altars of scrutiny, while their Democrat rivals Jon Ossoff and the reverend Raphael 49%. Preliminary results point to a high turnout of African Americans, in its Democratic majority, and a more deplorable act of the desperate loss of Perdue and Loeffler in Republican feud of the state, which motivates Biden’s optimism. Además, Perdue tenien una ventaja más amplia respecto a su contrincante que la que ostentaba Loeffler sober el suyo; for that some commentators auguraban have a possible derrota of the second. Without embarrassment, the state authorities and the media of sub-communication that the contemporaries were just adjusted to pronounce a winner, meanwhile millions of aspiring stadiums in vain one results in crosses to Biden as to the Republicans who will be in opposition. A TANTO TANTO FOR BIDEN COMO FOR TRUMP The comics are a second-time winner after none of the candidates won 50% of the votes in the November 3 election, when he had more aspiring candidates in Lisa. The Republicans only need to win one of the scans that are in play in Georgia to retain control of the Senate by the end of 2023, while the Democratic Democrats must confiscate the assistants who are disputed to arrest the presidents of these homes. It is to be hoped that the elections will take place as soon as the President of the EEU, Donald Trump, has taken part in the Republican elections with his convictions that the November elections will be fraudulent. Trump, who lost to Biden in Georgia, was pressured for months to state authorities in order to “vote” in favor of a time when misinformation about a suspected fraud in the territory, which has generated tensions with the other electoral responsibility in the territory, which is republican. “THE TRUMP WILL BE” “(If the Republican senators pierden his escando), the culprit will be completely from President Trump and the actions he took from November 3”, this March on CNN’s broadcast implementation of Georgia’s voting system, Gabriel Sterling. It is the same official who accuses Trump of “harassing the Georgia natives and the electoral system, especially the Republicans”, and advising that the government have a lower turnout of conservatives who have been convicted of fraud. mandatario. Trump is campaigning these months in the state, but the mayor has used his part to defend his anti-democratic maneuvers to interfere with the result of the presidential elections, a sterile gesture in which he has the support of Republican senators. This March at night, the mandate wanted to try to increase confidence in the results in Georgia, albeit tutoring that some in the state of the state are “hoping to see more of your votes” to judge the Republican candidates. RECORDS IN THE GASTO AND THE ANTICIPATED VOTE Georgia’s elections have the most legislative content in the history of the European Union, and more than 3 million of the 7.6 million registered voters of the state emit their predictions, a record for a second world comedy in the territory. Electoral journals are taking place with counter-strikes, and although there are already a number of constituents in the Republican-majority municipal council, the mid-term vote will take place at a minute’s notice, Sterling said. It is a functionary to warn that the final results will probably not be known within “a couple of days” due to the need to process the early and correct vote, in addition to the papers issued by the military in the foreign countries, which can be read more el viernes. If the Democratic candidates win in Georgia, the Senate will divide by 50 seats from one party and another 50 from the other, while Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be able to walk any possible empathy, given that his new cargo will also include the President la Cámara Alta. In this case, Biden tends to much more easily approve the candidates for his cabinet and impose his legislative priorities, given that in many cases there is a simple 51 vote to approve a change in the Senate, and the Democrats control it Cámara Baja. (c) EFE Agency
