Turkey leaves behind a European treaty that protects the women from the machinism of violence

Turkey is abandoning this Saturday of the Istanbul Convention, a pan-European treaty to prevent violence against women, committed by 45 countries a decade ago.  EFE / EPA / SERGEI CHIRIKOV / Archive
Turkey is abandoning this Saturday of the Istanbul Convention, a pan-European treaty to prevent violence against women, committed by 45 countries a decade ago. EFE / EPA / SERGEI CHIRIKOV / Archive

Turkey abandons this Saturday of the Istanbul Convention, a pan-European treaty to prevent violence against women, conducted over 45 months.

The salary, announced in the official bulletin of the State, is also mediated Decree issued by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who made the same deal when he was prime minister in 2011.

Turkey is among the group of 14 Pioneer States, which in May of this year will be ratified in Istanbul Convention on Prevention and Prevention of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence of the Council of Europe.

The Eurasian country, which has its critics never applies the convention, is believed to be in the first State to abandon the treaty, while having side, paradoxically, the first to ratify.

“In spite of our President’s leadership, we will continue our struggle with determination so that women can participate more in the social, economic, political and cultural life”, afirmó tras el anuncio Fahrettin Altun, director of Comunicación de la Presidencia turca.

Protests against Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, an international agreement designed to protect women, in Ankara, Turkey, March 20, 2021. REUTERS / Cagla Gurdogan
Protests against Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, an international agreement designed to protect women, in Ankara, Turkey, March 20, 2021. REUTERS / Cagla Gurdogan

“Cancel your decision, apply the treaty!”, I will drive thousands of women and men gathered in the district of Kadikoy, in Istanbul. The protesters portaban retratos de mujeres assesinadas y pancartas que rezaban: “Esta guerra la ganarán las mujeres”.

Gobierno’s Turkish intention to abandon the treaty, led by the Islamist party AKP, genero multitudinary protests in various cities of the country the past year.

Erdogan assured in August 2020 that retreat of the chord “if the people have this” and his announcement intention to create an adapted property adapted.

Islamist Conservative groups press the AKP for this withdrawal, consider that some articles negatively impact on “the familiar structure” and van in contrast to the “national values”.

Alegan que el texto promote homosexuality, to use the term “sexual orientation”, and attack the familiar values, by describing the relationships of “people who live together” without specifying whether they are related.


En el propio AKP hay critical representatives to abandon the pact, between them some deputies and KADEM, an organization of women’s close to the party and its deputy director Sümeyye Erdogan, President of the State.

Turkey registered 284 female assassins for machistas during 2020, following calculations of Bianet, an NGO that lives a decade reclaiming this type of case, in the absence of official figures.

The feminist platform Paremos los assesinatos de mujeres elevate this balance to 300 y añadió otros 171 death cases in suspected suspects.

With EFE information


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