Turba de Nuevas Ideas intimidated by periodicals to question Henry Flores, running for office by this party

The group of subjects the grit “corrupt” to the periodical that the question to Flores about the judicial questions in return.

“Fuera, periodista corrupto, fuera, periodista corrupto”, le gritaron en tono amanazador, unos 25 militantes de Nuevas Ideas a un periodista de El Diario de Hoy, luego de haber quuestionado al candidate al Santade de Santa Tecla, La Libertad, por el partisan, Henry Flores, on legal issues.

The form of intimidation of the New Ideas Turbine Turbine, which in its majority vest uniforms from the Alcaldia of Santa Tecla, haci the periodic provocation that is withdrawing from the site to avoid any type of aggression, but in the middle of the gritos of ” periodical corrupto, fuera periodista corrupto ”

Interested party: Magistrate Wellman: Governor arranged for media with no renovation frequency and no transmission spots suspended by the TSE

This incident took place in the mark of the petition for high capture by Flores against the alkalde of Santa Tecla, Roberto Dauauisson for the supuesto incumplimento to an order of the Camera of the Administrative Content on restitution to various employees of the Alcaldia. The petition was filed against the General Fiscalia.

Flores also denounced him for defamation because he said, D´aubuisson was dedicated to divulging in the speeches, a video in which a couple appeared discussing a state of marriage, while saying the candidate of New Ideas, the alcalde assure that it Flores.

Sondeverbod, Flores does not present any evidence that is the basis of its denial against D´aubuisson.

Tampoco does not exist in any red by D´aubuisson or of the ARENA party, some publication of which the alcalde said that Flores is the one who appears in the video.

When the question arises as to the outcome of the judicial proceedings against them by staff and agencies, Flores treats the issue to account for the periods of “inventory” in these cases.

“These chambers that the periodicals are dedicated to writing, because even the periodicals serve the ARENA party, serve the FMLN”, said Flores, who did not answer the question about other questions and withdrew.

In June 2013, an employee of the National Registration Office was caught red-handed.

In the case of the courts of justice, however, Flores was involved with the media that Judge Quinto de Paz charged the defendant with the offense. On this occasion, the conciliation with the offending party by the failure of Flores to the media dictated by the judge.

In October 2019 it was announced by another person by staff aggravated before the General Taxation.

It is not the first time that people accompanying Flores carry out periodic intimidation actions.

On the 7th of February, YSKL radio journalist Manuel Pacheco was sentenced to life in prison for stalking New Ideas, Henry Flores and other militant activists.

Pacheco related to the fact that he had to cover a proselytizing event, but the members of New Ideas Salieron went to meet him to take pictures with cameras and cell phones and start working, with the intention of impeding to realize his work.

“I was very happy to cover the New Ideas event, in the city of Santa Tecla … The two young women immediately met me, paid me to meet me and start making photos and videos. They are not parabens of hacking photos, I feel sorry for them ”, says the periodical on this occasion.
