Tucker Carlson says Democrats plan to ‘change population of country’ to ‘retain power’

Tucker Carlson Immigrant Democratic Party Replacement Theory
Fox News host Tucker Carlson will be pictured on April 16, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.
Hollywood To You / Star Max / GC Images / Getty

Tucker Carlson has doubled over his claim that the Democratic Party hopes to “replace” conservative U.S. voters with immigrants who will vote for Democrats instead of Republicans on Monday.

Carlson made the remarks during the latest issue of his Fox News opinion piece Tucker Carlson Tonight. He reacted to a setback last Thursday for making the same argument on Fox News, prompting many critics to lash out that his argument was strikingly consistent with a white nationalist conspiracy theory known as ‘The Great Replacement Theory’.

“Demographic change is the key to the Democratic Party’s political ambitions,” Carlson said. “To win and retain power, the Democrats plan to change the population of the country … That’s probably true, and because it’s true, it’s absolutely crazy if you say it out loud. A sore dog bark.”

“The left becomes unhindered when you point out that American voters are being replaced by Democratic Party loyalists from other countries,” Carlson added. “They say it’s some horrible, right – wing conspiracy theory, the right is mad at it. No, the left is mad at it. It is indeed the central idea of ​​the modern Democratic party. Demographic replacement is their obsession because it is their path to power. . ‘

Newsweek reached the Democratic National Committee for comment.

Although Carlson conceded that only legal immigrants have the ability to vote, he describes the votes of those who are able to vote as the product of Democratic ‘fraud’. He claims that Democrats “encourage foreigners to move to this country to change election results.”

Carlson further said that the ‘indigenous population’ is being deprived of ‘voting rights’, referring to white and black voters. He does not name Native Americans, who tend to favor Democratic candidates by significant margins and believe were a key factor in President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020.

“This is what it looks like for an entire indigenous population, black and white, but each an American, to be systematically denied,” Carlson said. “Middle-class Americans are becoming less powerful every year. They have less economic power. And thanks to mass immigration, they now have less political power.”

In a letter to Fox News following the controversial comments last week, Jonathan Greenblatt, director of the Anti-Defamation League, said Carlson ‘disgustingly gave a passionate defense of the white supremacist’ big replacement theory ‘, the hateful view that the white race is being replaced by an increasing tide of non-whites. ‘

Carlson on Thursday explicitly referred to the theory, claiming that a ‘voting right question’ was wrongly made ‘a’ racial issue ‘.

“I know leftists and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter literally get hysterical when you use the term ‘replacement,'” Carlson said. ‘If you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current voters, the voters are now voting with new people, more obedient voters from the third world. But they get hysterical because that’s actually what’s happening. Let’s just say it … It’s true. “

“Everyone wants to make a racial issue out of it, ‘ooh the white replacement theory,'” he added. “No, no, no, it’s a suffrage question. I have less political power because they are introducing a brand new voter. Why do I have to sit back and accept it?”
