‘Tuca’ hopes that Tigres will step down after missing out on Mexican football

Tigres’ technique was perfect for the final and ensured that the rival tied him up with him in a respectful and sincere way.

The Brazilian technician Ricardo Ferretti says that hope that the Tigers of the UANL are the ones who have always failed in Mexican football at the international level, when the final of the Club World Cup is disputed.

“We are a Mexican team and the Mexican football has a level, the level of clubs and selection, has failed this match, in Copa America hemos disputed the final, in Copa Libertadores also and we did not give up this country, in national selections then Mexico always is with the hope of this fifth party (in Copas del Mundo) that powder from the catapult to log something more important, definitely we are a Mexican football team and no powder will decide what we are representing “, verklaring.

“The only thing we have is the difference that one of the teams quenches for the final together with us, they come through the objective difference. I hope it happens that we fail, that Tigers can log“, verklaaró.

After the victory that was won by 1-0 in front of the Palmeiras of Brazil in the semifinals of the international fair, the Brazilian timono dijo que ahora al siguiente mededinger lo enfrentarán con respecto, pero sin temor alguno.

“The rival who binds us will save us with much respect, but without help, without pretending to know, but also before he creates what is of the other world, no matter what, some of these merits are in the end with us and his two very good teams, institutions, players, all for my excellence, have a game style of one and another, us to log the final objective we will describe, adapt the most fast adaptable for your impressive style of play.

Ricardo Ferretti spoke about the aficionados and expressions that are respectful of the posture of those who do not support their team, “the people have the right to support the no, they want the no, they want the no, they are the right of the people, naturally sincerely when the Mexican teams participated, Monterrey, Pachuca, all, always the best, so soy envdioso, malinchista, but the people who do not support it have no problem, that God bends us and ours “.

The Palmeiras strategist, Abel Ferreira, considers that Tigers were superior to their team and from the point of view of their players they had some opportunities before the rival’s cabin.

“We know that André-Pierre Gignac and Carlos González are very strong. We have the opportunity, in our opinion, our opponent would have been better than us, by a small margin. We can do a little better, finally decide on a detail “, verklaaró.
