TSE will give you the final information on the 2021 elections

The TSE had to announce the official results, 4 days later to post the final scrutiny of New Ideas ads.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal presented this evening the final information on the results of the 2021 elections in which representatives of the Parliament, the Legislative Assembly and municipal councils for the period 2021-2024 will be elected.

“We can affirm that graces that technology can burn opportunities and certainties, which tend to change with respect to the electoral results obtained in the final scrutiny”, said TSE President Dora Esmeralda Martínez de Barahona.

In addition, it is informed that the final act of scrutiny and the declaration decree of the company will be published as the Order of the Electoral Code.

According to electoral authority this is due to the distribution of alcaldias listed by parties: ARENA 34 alcaldias; FMLN 30; GANA 27; PCN 14; PDC 3; VAMOS 1; New Ideas 116.

Suman las obtenidas por coalition – Nuevas Ideas-CD 23 alcaldías; ARENA-PCN 1; New Ideas-GANA 9; New Ideas-CD-GANA 1; New Ideas-PCN 1. New Ideas-PCN-GANA 2.

While the Central American Parliament’s distribution among political parties is the following: New Ideas-CD 14 Deputies; ARENA 3; FMLN 1; GANA 1; PCN 1; PDC 0.

The declaration of intent to quarrel has been suspended due to the complaints of the New Ideas party that signaled to the electoral entity of presumably 83 councilors in the distribution to municipal councils.

Lee also: Atraso in TSE company declarations is a product of New Ideas advertising

The Magistrate’s President, Dora Martínez, signaled at the moment that New Ideas presented a petition for revision in the designation of municipalities in municipal councils and that it should be resolved this petition.

Martínez has reference to Article 219 of the Electoral Code, which sets out the rules for making the interpretation as he assigns the registers to the concession and is in the interest of what the corresponding revision is.

“In cases where they (New Ideas) are planted, we are known to be inclusive, we will meet today in order to continue and decide which resolution we will issue,” said Noel Orellana, the magistrate.

Además: Junta de Electoral Vigilance “congratulated” on the TSE for any elections exited with the failures that were enforced

NI’s advertising is based on the form in which the number of directors is distributed in each Municipal Council established in accordance with Article 219 of the Electoral Code (CE).

In relation to this, electoral expert Ruth Eleonora López said in an interview with TVX that “a change in this nature would require a reform approved by the Legislative Assembly”, stating that the TSE is the maximum body in electoral matters, no correspondence modify the ley.

On the other hand, in Article 272 of the CE it is established that the nullity of the scrutiny proceedings may be interposed before the Tribunal by the political parties within the three following notices published on the TSE website.

The Tribunal will present the final information 19 days after having been carried out by the commissions in which an information system has been set up for the scrutiny of the Vunters ‘Recipients’ Votes allowing the development of a “transparency” process.
