Trump’s scandals during his term in the White House


Since the by-elections took place in November 2016, Trump is perfilaba to be one of the most controversial presidents of the United States.

The magnate of the hotels was elected only for a period of four years, but the heirloom time was short for scandalous and controversial aunts who protagonized President Donald Trump.

We will only sing some of the Trump scandals during his mandate in the White House.

Algo que mostró Trump en sus quuatro años de gobierno fue siempre querer cumplir todos sus caprichos sin dar su brazo a torcer. A clear example, but not controversial, is that the official Twitter account with the President of the United States (@POTUS), which has its photo and its number, is known to have all been known that the magnate used his account personal todo el tiempo … hasta en las madrugadas.

Enemistad with the media of critical communication

Trump has no end in sight with critical media of his figure and management. The president launches dardos against media and haste against periodicals or presenters. It is not possible to pass on the label “fopnuus” (false notices), to catalog all the information that comes with a critical medium.

Apodos and on political rivals

With numerous public appearances on its political rivals, allies and recent foreign presidents. These are some of them:

Joe Biden, President of the United States: ‘Sleepy’ (dormilón)
Nancy Pelosi, President of the Chamber of Representatives: ‘nervous’ (nervous)
James Comey, FBI agent: ‘glad’ (resbaladizo)
Kim Jong-un, leader of North Korea’s leader: ‘klein raketman’ (pequeño hombre cohete).

But he also called them contemptuous Mexican immigrants to the “delinquents and violators”. In African countries, Haiti and El Salvador are called “shitholes”. Al Covid-19 the form number: the ‘chino virus’ y’Kung Flu‘.

The Russian tram, the key to Trump’s electoral victory?

No doubt one of Trump’s most scandalous actions was Russia’s supreme intervention in the magnate’s presidential campaign in 2016.

James Comey, Director of the FBI, announced at the Congress an investigation into a possible conspiracy between members of the Trump and Russia campaigns. The act costs the discretion of the President of the United States, who classifies the investigation as a “brothel” in return. Comey was removed from the cargo.

For this case, Robert Mueller was appointed for special tax purposes. The investigation revealed a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. (hijo del presidente) en la abogada rusa Natalia Veselnitskaya, who has compromised information about Hillary Clinton, mededinger van Trump en las elecciones van 2016. Sin embargo, the final report (of more than 400 pages) never was revealed in its entirety and only a summary of four highs, and was disclosed by the General Tax Office designated by Trump, William Barr.

The document details that “there are no sufficient proofs to consider a conspiracy of Trump or his campaign with Russia“.

Trump, the third president of the United States to sit down with a political judge

Trump’s mandate for the 2019 finals, when he initiates a political juicing process by presiding over the president’s presidency and his Ukrainian counterpart, for investigator Joe Biden and his Hunter Hunter. The mandate catalogs the act as another “bruiser case” on behalf of the Democrats.

How did you get to that point? A statement was sent by an anonymous informant who presented a telephone call between Trump and the mandate of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, and gave the Ukrainian mayor congratulations on his recent election victory. shoot the piercing of a peso against the Burisma gas perforation company in Ukraine, of which Hunter Hijo was employed.

With the obstruction charges at the Congress and the abuse of power, the Chamber of Representatives approves the initiation of political justice against Trump, although no more than 2020 initiations have taken place since the Senate (Republican majority) passed the mandate.

Cabe mentions that Trump was converted to the presidency of the United States in a two-way process of political juicing. The second (which was approved on January 13) was to incite the insurgency that prevailed with the violence of the Capitol.

Salió a la luz la declaration de impuestos de Trump

In the final results of the 2020 elections, the controversial Donald Trump tax return will be read.

The periodical The New York Times received the information from the mandate in September, although it was successful in reaching out over a long period of time.

According to the Times, Trump only paid $ 750 in federal taxes in 2016, and in the run-up to the presidential election, the same payout was repeated in 2017. Asimismo, the state diary investigation detailed that the mandate does not pay interest on 10 of the last 15 years.

Moreover, according to the Trump report – huge losses that he allowed to adjust to a method of fiscal optimization and, therefore, avoid the cancellation of tributes.

“Pagué millions of dollars in taxes per tenien derecho, as all the world, to the depreciation and the tax credits”, afirmó Trump and Twitter to justify its allegations, although it also criticized the press for “illegally obtaining the information and with malicious intent”.
