Trump’s followers gather in Washington next January 6 | News Univision Elections in EUEU 2020

Various demonstrations are planned for the next 6th year, when the Washington DC supporters will be quoted in Washington DC to protest against the Congress, which is certifying the electoral results shared by the Electoral College and by comedians. from November 3 to Joe Biden.

At least four markets have been programmed this day with the aim of getting the results certified, which Trump’s supporters consider ‘a robbery’ and even in his majority he has been summoned to formal meetings, online messages and online chats. Various extremist groups have suggested that violence may have episodes of violence, according to a report by the capital diary The Washington Post.

The invitation was reproduced by President Trump, quoting his followers for a “GRAN protest” starting at 11:00 am in the capital.

President Trump het die hoof promotor van esta gran manifestation in the capital a pesar de que anterior marcha, la llamada Marcha Mlaga del Millón que tuvo lugar pasade mes, termino con numerosos enfrentamientos con numerosos enfrentamientos entre Trumpididariios de Black and contramanifestantes de Black Lives Matter and other moves. At least 4 people were killed and more than 30 arrested. Various policies also result in results.

Washington DC is converting to the new epicenter of polarization in the country, with recent markets and counter-investments that show the great division that the current state of society lives on.

What does Trump have to say?

Although it was called with insistence on its followers to join the march, it is not clear what the president is saying. On other occasions he has seen the sale of the Casa Blanca and salutes the multitude or the maintenance of active assets, as he has done, helping the protesters.

In any case, the president has said that he has a lot of expectations with this market, he will continue to discuss the election results only after that time, according to the Daily Beast.

Press and block

Inclusive, the protesting buscarian block the path to democracies and determined republicans escogidos para que no lleguen al Capitolio.

“They are blocking Democrats and [republicanos sólo de nombre]”, the planning of the event and the for-pro-Trump ‘The Donald’, which is the map of the calles clave alrededor del Congreso, which the protesters pretend in August, según el Daily Beast.

Protests of various indole

Among the leaflets and speeches of the next 6 days are Trump’s secret party appearances, such as the recent resignations of President George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone, as well as Arizona Representative Paul Gosar or the recent elected representative by Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who follows QAnon’s conspiracy theories.

For this day, Women for America First, a group of women conservatives who will be attending the large demonstration from December to November, requesting permission from the National Parks Service to hold a protest of 5,000 people in Freedom Plaza, while others Concentration, dubbed ‘Protest Salvage’, is scheduled for the north-east side of the Capitol, informs the Washington Post.

There were also other demonstrations by the new group called ‘Coalition of the Elderly’, referring to the proportion of Republicans he said he did not vote for in the election results, and that he was allowed to attend an event that could only take place. 10,000 people, as well as one more little one, organized by James Epley, Trump’s secretary of state of the South, who will be marching with hundreds of people from the Mall to the Capitol.

The new Washington DC Police Chief Robert J. Contee III, who took over the department’s mandate at the end of the week, said are prepared to facilitate pacifist protests, but “do not tolerate violence”.

Anti-Trump groups are counting on the capitalist authorities, who are more demanding of the president’s sympathetic protesters, who in many cases do not follow the coronavirus restrictions, such as the use of mascara. At the moment it has not convened counter-demonstrations of liberal activists.

Trump’s followers have announced plans to regain capital on January 17, just 3 days after Joe Biden’s tenure. These two groups are promoting an event called the Millionaire Militia March.

