Trump’s Final Economic Reporter Must Be Deceiving

New York (CNN Business) – Economists are calibrating the economy in curve. So it’s good to hear President Donald Trump.

It is forecast that the gross domestic product of the United States, the largest medium of economic activity, will increase to a 4% annual rate between October and December.

In a normal year, it’s something to celebrate: an A + in Trump’s final economic briefing. Pero 2020 geen fue un año normaal.

United States of America is recovering from the economic impact it is recovering. GDP is trading at a record 31.4% on an annualized basis in the second quarter. Although Volvo created an annualized record of 33.4% in the third quarter, it was not enough to compensate for that day.

Cepal: In 2020, the economy will have a strong fall since 1946 1:01

So far, at least 33.4% said it was good enough, while 4% said it would be good. If the nation regresses solely in a small part to its fortress in front of the pandemic, it will remove the lies that we have to recover.

Tampoco is a good builder for the recovery in 2021. The recovery of the United States economy took place in the last quarter of 2020 when the infections by covid-19 increase and various states implement supplementation of confinement.

A small signal for the economy of 2021

El President Joe Biden mentioned a repeat of the enferma and a mercado laboral quebrado. The new governing body needs a wave of maneuvers in order for the voluptuous economy to recover this year after the pandemic causes the hiccups to break out.

Accumulation of infections and renovations restricted to individuals and businesses ahead of recovery months in winter months.

It’s likely that the first quarter of 2021 “will be even more debilitating and will have some reasons to hope for a return on activity until the restrictions on covid are significantly lower,” said James Knightley, ING’s international economist, including more help for the designers.

Biden first tends to check the pandemic for recovery via the correct truck.

What is the economy of the United States?

Economists have been concerned about the state of recovery for some time. The increase in infections by covid-19 in the autumn and an increase in the weekly solicitation of performance by the example will be even worse for the winter economy.

In front of the consumption and the guest, the minority sales register three consecutive months without any crime between October and December, and the big sales events like the black fires and Navidation will not provide an adequate impulse. The Consumer Confidence Index, based on surveys conducted by the University of Michigan, has been widely criticized for declining its pre-emptive level and willing to diminish its recent peak in October.

Millions of stadiums have been declared depleted by the crisis and, in December, the economy eliminated 140,000 jobs, a major setback for recovery. It was the first loss of employment since April.

The economy of the United States is based on the consumption of the guests and while the guests do not have guests as they do, for example, orders of confinement or simple precaution, maintain the rhythm of recovery.

The evacuation of vacancies and the final control of the virus is what will actually transport the economy of regression to its fortress prior to the pandemic, according to the economists. But, just now, he has already managed a total of 23.5 million vaccine doses against the coronavirus in the United States.

While doing so, those who lose their jobs or their wages are reduced in their wages due to the pandemic that is necessary to help Gobierno.

Trump unveiled a second package of estimates in December, which extends various programs to continue to help the demonstrators. But many economists believe that the return on the most mediocre approach predicts the rhythm of recovery.

President Biden’s economic agenda includes one more estimate, but it is in line with its US $ 1.9 billion plan, which will be approved in its original form.
