Trump’s false claims on a day of reckoning

You can see Trump’s rally here.

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Donald Trump has pushed his hopeless case to overturn the election results, while Congress on Wednesday prepared to confirm the election votes confirming President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Trump has been telling false stories for two months about the outcome of the election in an attempt to promote Biden’s victory. He is not retiring now, on a day of reckoning that is well under way to avert his defeat, despite the plans of some of his allies in Congress to withdraw the certification of the election college result.

He also drives unfounded theories about the two Senate elections Tuesday in Georgia, where the Democrats got a seat and the other game is too early to call.

An example of Trump’s latest allegations:

TRUMP, on the election results: “All Mike Pence needs to do is send it back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, it’s a time for extreme courage! ‘- tweet Wednesday.

THE FACTS: This is a fabrication. Vice President Mike Pence has no authority under the Constitution, congressional rules, the law or use to refer the results back to the states.

Pence will chair the congressional vote of the Electoral College and perform its ceremonial duty to announce who has won the majority of votes for president and vice president. Whatever sympathetic words he may utter for Trump’s grievances, Pence has no way of avoiding the certification of Biden as the next president and Kamala Harris as vice president.

He is also not expected to try, despite pressure from Trump to do so, according to people close to him.

Biden won 306 votes to Trump’s 232. It takes 270 to win the presidency.


TRUMP: “The States want to redo their votes. They found out they were voting on a FRAUD. Legislators were never approved. Let them do it. BE STRONG! “__ tweet Wednesday.

THE FACTS: This is also false. All states confirmed their results as fair and accurate, a statement made by Republican and Democratic officials. There is no prospect of a do-over. Nor was there a sudden revelation of deception.

State and federal election officials and Trump’s own attorney general said no systematic fraud was found in the election and that there are no errors on the scale that could change the outcome. Judges agreed widely, whether appointed by Republicans or Democrats. And Trump has thrown up two challenges by the Supreme Court, which include three Trump-nominated judges.


TRUMP, referring to Georgia: “They only found 50,000 ballots late last night.” – tweet Wednesday.

TRUMP: “It looks like they are setting up a big ‘voter pool’ against the Republican candidates. Are you waiting to see how many votes they need? “- tweet Tuesday night.

THE FACTS: No, Georgia election officials did not just “find” 50,000 ballots or manipulate “voter waste” to the detriment of Republicans.

It is typical that large numbers of results are announced on election night and the next morning, with clues often changing.

On Tuesday, for example, Floyd County, Georgia, a Republican stronghold, announced all of its results at once, giving the GOP candidates Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue an early boost. Such results were later opposed when densely populated provinces, which often favored democratic candidates, announced their numbers.

Loeffler eventually lost to Democrat Raphael Warnock, leaving the race between Republican David Perdue and Democrat Jon Ossoff undecided.

