Trump wants to launch social media platform, says adviser

Former President Trump wants to launch his own social media platform in the coming months, his senior adviser Jason Miller said on Fox News’ ‘#MediaBuzz’ on Sunday.

Miller told Fox News he could not say much more at the moment, but claimed that numerous companies had approached the former president and that he had held meetings about it in Mar-a-Lago. Miller suggested that Mr. Trump’s future social media platform will bring in ‘tens of millions of people’.

“I do think we are going to see President Trump return to social media, probably in about two or three months here, with his own platform,” Miller told Fox News. “And this is something that I think will be the most popular card on social media, it will completely redefine the game, and everyone will wait and see to see what President President Trump does.”

Mr. Trump, who’s it? permanent ban from its preferred platform of Twitter since January, has sent some tweety statements through its office to reporters. The former president was banned from the platform after the Assault on January 6 about the Capitol and mr. Trump’s false claims that the election was impeccable.

The former president goes on to falsely claim to have won, including in a statement Saturday in which he claimed the election was ‘illegal’.
