Trump via ‘n Texas to monitor wall tram, a symbol of its’ zero tolerance’ policy | Univision Immigration News

Faltando ocho días para que Donald Trump laat vaar la Casa Blanca y entregue el poder al presidente electo, elemocrata Joe Biden, el mandatario vistara este martes un tram del muro que divide la frontera entre Texas and México.

The gira is currently registering that the country is divided and endorsed by a climate of violence enacted by the mandate that will lose the elections of November 3 and neglect to accept the right to argue fraud, alleging that it was decided by the tribunals justice, the Electoral College and the Congress.

Last week, the same day and time when Congress’s chambers met to certify Biden’s election and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, Trump met with miles of his followers in Casa Blanca’s efforts to insist. in its allegations of fraud and committing its parties to marching on the Congress in order to detain the triumph of its opponent.

Trump’s use of provocation provoked a violent outcry in the Capitol that left a balance of fifty dead, numerous material deeds, hereditary and detained deeds, and a violence committed by a heck of a lot of violence in the history of democracy.

“Come to follow inciting”

In this scenario, the magnate’s visit to the city of Alamo (Texas) will be recorded. “Come to follow inciting his supporters who won the election”, doubled Teodoro Aguiluz, executive director of the Center for Central American Recourse (CARECEN) in Houston (Texas). ‘El persiste en su plan. And when it comes down to it, we know that there are many nice things to do. ”

“We believe that there is no need to follow up on these violations for the sake of the violence that is affecting the country. We lament that we are suing him in these days to the position of the new president, ”he said.

The activist says that “we have a history of peace in our country. But we believe that (President) Trump is convinced that we are alive during our years ”.

What are you going to do

Trump travels to the front to oversee the construction of a tramway at least a few miles from the front wall, one of its main campaign promises that can not be completed in its entirety.

The project, which the mandate has frequently referenced in its four years at the Casa Blanca, costs the contributors miles of millions of dollars (the total figure has not been disclosed) and is an environment of an emblem of the other migration policy of his governing body, together with severe restrictions on asylum and forced separation of families on the front line to prevent him from perjury in a refugee bus in the United States.

Jim Darling, Alcalde of McAllen, living in the city of Alamo, said Monday on his account of the social network Twitter that the president’s visit is on the market of a complex scenario.

“While the emotions are agitated by both bands, in favor or against the president, it is hoped that there will be demonstrations in favor of him, his pacifism with respect to our security forces,” he wrote.

Visited inappropriate

For the American Union of Civil Liberties (ACLU), an organization that has since questioned the construction of the wall on the frontier with Mexico, Trump’s visit to Alamo is “unthinkable.”

“The Trump administration has caused uproar in frontier communities and the capacity of people to seek refuge during the last four years,” said Astrid Domínguez, director of the Center for Frontier Rights at the ACÑU Front in Texas. “Trump is destroying our asylum system, separating it from the nests of its fathers, destroying protected territories to promote the construction of the front wall and encouraging CBP (Frontier Patrol) agents to operate with impunity.”

Domínguez dijo además que “Now, in the midst of a pandemic and some disappointments that his parties are attacking the Capitol in Washington DC, it is unthinkable that he has gone through the various communities he has devastated by his actions, including his failure to respond to the CO pandemic -19 “.

In his vein, Jonathan Blazer, director of frontier strategies at the ACLU, said that “Trump’s visit to the frontier is not a final surprise for a president who begins his dehumanizing political career with immigrants. Unfortunately, even though his presidency will end this week, the impetuous and immigration-related policies that promulgate will be converted into a perpetual legacy.

Blazer also said that the group of civil rights activists, the new government encroaching on Biden and Harris, “traces a different rumor, including the immediate restoration of asylum seekers to those who seek protection”.

The Wolf Party

In the wake of Trump’s crossing to the front, the Secretary of State for Internal Security (DHS), Chad Wolf, an ally of Trump for the failure of his migration policy, is present at his meeting.

The official, questioned about his response before and during the Ascension Day 6, announced his salute to his Twitter account by posting a card to employees below his mandate.

The employee’s meeting was produced, in addition, during the ten days of Biden’s position and when the concerns about security in the state capital were raised, the state of emergency was increased by the time spent in the previous week and the advertisement. The FBI has similar actions before and during its 50-year tenure.

“I am intrigued by this step, that it was my intention to serve the Department until the end of its administration,” Wolf said in the card.

Wolf also indicated that the Federal Office of the Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be the internal secretary.

The employee ran over the cargo for 14 months. His mandate was challenged in the illegitimate tribunals, arguing that various judgments were dictated that no agreement was reached with the DHS succession act.

