Trump verval ‘n his team of ethical compromise on capability

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has dedicated the decisions of his last members and a truck and a memobros actuales and pasados ​​de su gobierno de los términos del compromiso ético, which includes a ban on a trabajar como cavilderos ante sus antiguos departamentos durante cinco años.

The ethical compromise was introduced in one of the first decrees of Trump, signed on January 28, 2017, within its promise to “curb the pantomime”, an allusion to the fight against corruption. Searching for the persons in official cargoes named by Trump accepts this veto and promises that he will not accept any work that is implied in the register as “foreign agents” through the government. Trump’s executive order authorizes the Secretary of Justice to investigate any ethical compromise and present civil charges if necessary.

Trump revoked the decree on March 1 in a document from a page published by the White House shortly after the 1st of March, according to the report.

The text reads: “The employees and exemplars subject to the compromises of the Executive Order 13770 will not be subject to their compromises as of the mid-year of 20 of 2021”.

President Bill Clinton formed a similar order when he held a week of his most recent mandate, allowing his co-workers to go directly to staff such as chaplains through the government.
