Trump urges his followers to “go home” by insisting on electoral fraud

The New York Times

The distribution of the vaccine in Europe has a shortfall, including the fact that the confinements are extending

With a more contagious variant of coronavirus that obliges in England to impress a new and strict national confinement and obliges European nations to extend the restrictions before the increase in cases, the political leaflets he promised the vacancies in the mafrond. Geen hindernis, en la carrera para derrotar al virus, este todavía nos lleva mucha ventaja. There are waterfalls in Italy, Greece and other countries. Spain has no capacity for nurses. France alone has lograda vacunar a alrededor de dos mil personas. Poland’s program was sued over a scandal after it was revealed that celebrities were receiving a preferential treatment. It has been called in Germany to assume control over vacancies that are currently being investigated by European Union authorities. All European countries are concerned about the papuleo. And there are also the Netherlands, which have not yet started their campaign. All over the world, inoculation works are carried out at a lower speed of the promised, including in accordance with the number of new cases raised rapidly and patient record numbers with the saturated virus in hospitals, which generate a double charge for the recipients of medical attention increased to lead the evacuation campaigns. In Europe, in spite of the bourgeoisie of the countries and there were several degrees of confinement during months, the frustration accumulated while the restrictions were increased or extended while the national evacuation efforts were made to avoid obstacles to various problems. The arrangement represents a fast-growing variant of additional emergency medicine and it is an enormous reto. Moreover, including in places where the distribution was carried out in a relatively agile manner, it is not sufficient for it to recover in advance of the virus. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the British government has confirmed that the inoculations will increase to the four most vulnerable groups: senior citizens and senior citizens of them, all persons with more than 70 years of age, as individuals extremely vulnerable. “If we were successful in evacuating all of these groups, we would have received a huge number of people from the virus,” he said. Johnson says his meta will be set aside for February’s midweek, as the pace of emergency evacuation drastically increases. With the incorporation of the tunes of the first dose of the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, British officials will say that the campaign will accelerate. To pair with the lens in February, it is necessary to apply thousands of doses every week. While this, the countries of the European Union will start their week-long campaigns once the United Kingdom and the United States have launched a more slow-moving approval process that depends on a single vacuum, manufactured by Pfizer and BioNTech. Although it is hoped that the blocking agency of the block will approve the Modern’s vaccine this week, it will be necessary to start considering the Oxford-AstraZeneca, which is the most difficult to distribute and requires extremely low temperatures. At the moment, one of the biggest problems in Europe is distribution. The situation is similar to that of the United States, which has already donated 4.5 million people and received a dose of a vaccine against COVID-19, agreed with the Centers for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC, by its sigla en Engels), by which he used only a fraction of the five millennium dose doses by the manufacturers. A factor that complicates the situation is that some countries have resorted to local sanitation authorities to develop their own strategic proposals, which have generated problems. In Spain, there is a massacre of nurses. For example, in the region of Catalonia, less than one-fifth of the available doses are used and the local sanitary authorities recognize that they are sufficiently capable of nursing. The Minister of Health Salvador It is said that the month that 82,000 doses have been administered in Spain since the deportation began on December 27, a very slow rhythm with the average number of vacancies to 70 per cent of the 47 million people for the finals 70 proximate verano. “It is incomprehensible that sufficient staff and resources are not available to follow this day,” wrote Manuel Pérez-Alonso, a senior professor of genetics at the University of Valencia, in his Twitter account. Germany also initiated its national immunization campaign on December 27 and has currently housed more than 316,960 people, with the primary influx of asylum seekers and people up to 80 years old. As such, the country is embroiled in a political debate over the need to hope for the adoption of a vacancy by the European Medicines Agency, or the EMA, and coordinate purchases with its European societies. La situación en los Países Bajos, in contrast, is inexplicable. In a country where many pagan inhabitants live on the 50th of their salary in taxes with the hope of receiving a change of governor, there is an extended indication that the Netherlands will be the last nation in Europe to start vacancy. “Somos el hazmerreír de Europa”, says the right-wing politician Geert Wilders in the Parliament on March. “It is inconceivably incomprehensible that we should start the last days in Europe.” Italy has the most exits, vacant 178,939 people, the second highest number in the European Union after Germany. However, this alone represents 37.3 per cent of the dose received and less than 0.3 per cent of its population. At the current pace, Tomaría has been vacating the nation for several million years. Although sanitary officials say the process of conjuring and decongesting the dose has hampered the efforts, experts blaming the bureaucracy and staff shortages. “There is a large number of critical aspects in this evacuation campaign,” said Giovanni Toti, president of the Liguria region (located in the northeast), during a telephone interview. “Requires a wide range of procedures to obtain the informed consent of patients who are incapacitated and living in asylum”. All mentioned that, in addition, the hospitals in their region received the watercress equipadad for the Pfizer vehicle. In the northern region of Lombardy, the epicenter of the first coronavirus in Italy, the opposition has called on the highest health officials of the region to renounce when they justify the retreats in the holiday campaign to say no. traer de regresso a los medsicos y enfermeras que staban de vacaciones. The French health officials argued that the rhythm of the evacuation (only two thousand administered doses) was due to a deliberate precaution, in order to convince the many skeptics of the evacuation of the country that would not receive any mandatory means. Critics also point out that the effort has been hampered by all the bureaucracy in the medical system. President Emmanuel Macron, who said he did not tolerate an “unfairness” in the campaign, pressured his assistants to ensure that the rhythm of the inoculations was accelerated, in agreement with the Journal du Dimanche. This article originally appeared in The New York Times. © 2021 The New York Times Company
