Trump tears McConnell in a lengthy statement after being acquitted in indictment

“Mitch is a cunning, grumpy and uncompromising political heel, and if Republican Senators stay with him, they will not win again,” Trump said in the statement. “He will never do what needs to be done or what is right for our country. Where necessary and appropriate, I will support the primary competitors who are making America America Again again and our policy of America First. We want brilliant, strong, considerate, and compassionate leadership. ‘

Trump claimed that the shortcomings of the Republican of Kentucky contributed to the loss of Senate majority by the party, saying that McConnell’s commitment to business as usual, the status quo policy, coupled with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill and personality, quickly driven. him from majority leader to minority leader, and it will only get worse. ‘

Trump referred to his unfounded allegations of election fraud and claimed that McConnell in swinging states like Georgia has done nothing and will never do what needs to be done to ensure a fair and just electoral system in the future. t has what is needed, never did, nor will ever do. ‘

“He is destroying the Republican side of the Senate, thereby seriously harming our country,” Trump went on to conclude, “This is a great moment for our country and we can not let it pass by a third-rate ‘leaders. “to dictate our future!”

The clash between the current and former GOP leaders comes when the Republican Party in a major battle with warring factions is fighting to continue in the guise of Trump or to forge a path that deviates from the legacy of the former president.

McConnell has repeatedly reprimanded Trump for inciting the January 6 uprising at the U.S. Capitol, though he voted to acquit the former president of the charge. In remarks on the Senate floor shortly after Trump was cleared in a 57-43 vote, McCconnell suggested the former president could be prosecuted.
“There is no doubt about former President Trump’s moral responsibility,” McConnell wrote in a headline in the Wall Street Journal of the riot on Monday. “His supporters stormed the Capitol because of the incessant lies he shouted in the world’s biggest megaphone. His behavior during and after the chaos was also unscrupulous, from the attack on Vice President Mike Pence during the riot to the praise of the criminals after. it ended. “

CNN reported last month that McConnell indicated that he believed the accusation of Trump would make it easier to get rid of the former president and Trumpism of the Republican Party, according to a source with knowledge of the case.

In the last weeks of Trump’s presidency, the relationship between the then leader of the Senate and Trump – the two most powerful men in the Republican Party – collapsed, several sources told CNN.

Trump’s statement on Tuesday added McConnell to the list of Republicans targeting the former president after they opposed him.

CNN reported last month that Trump is focusing his political energy on Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the third-ranked Republican of the House, who voted for his accusation last month.
Trump’s pressure comes as House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, is sharpening his relationship with the former president, including a meeting with Trump at his Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago , in January. McCarthy and Trump discussed the midterm elections in 2022, according to a reading provided by his Save America PAC.

This story has been updated with additional reporting.
