Trump targets Cheney as he unites with McCarthy

According to one source, Trump has repeatedly questioned his Republican allies about attempts to remove Cheney from her leadership position and run a primary candidate against her. He also showed these allies a poll commissioned by his Save America PAC to show that Cheney’s accusation had damaged her position in Wyoming, and even encouraged them to talk about the poll on television.

Trump’s pressure comes as the House’s minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, is sharpening his relationship with the former president, including meeting with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach on Thursday. McCarthy and Trump discussed the midterm elections in 2022, according to a reading provided by Save America. According to the statement, Trump “agreed to work with leader McCarthy” to take the majority in the House for the IDP.

McCarthy confirmed on Thursday that Trump “is committed to helping elected Republicans in the House and Senate by 2022.”

But it’s clear that Trump does not want Cheney to be part of the House majority. Cheney, the chairman of the House Republican Conference, was one of ten Republicans who voted for Trump’s accusation on Jan. 13. Trump’s allies within the GOP conference are helping to punish Cheney.
Some in the Trump freedom caucus are pro-circulating a petition designed to oust Cheney from her leadership position. One member of the Freedom Caucus, representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, was in Wyoming on Thursday to rally against Cheney. Gaetz told hundreds of rallies that he spoke to Trump “yesterday,” and that he shared some of Trump’s material in public.

Donald Trump Jr. entered the protest and referred to the poll. “Liz Cheney’s favorites there are just a little worse than her father’s shooting skills,” Trump Jr. said. a day earlier said the former president’s son tweeted his own criticism of Cheney.

“It’s time to get this RINO out of IDP leadership!” Trump Jr.

Cheney’s office did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.

McCarthy expressed his support for Cheney and warned his members against the attack on their GOP colleagues who support accusation, telling them this week to ‘cut the shit out’. But he also said he was “concerned” about Cheney’s vote on the charge, claiming he did not know her position “ahead of time”.
House Republicans who voted to accuse home version at home in test of Trump's endurance

“I support her, but I think she has a lot of questions she needs to answer at the conference,” McCarthy said in a Sunday interview with Gray TV.

The visit between Trump and McCarthy was a remarkable step for the Republican in California, who said on January 13 on the House floor that Trump “bears responsibility” for the deadly storm of the American Capitol. McCarthy himself is under pressure from GOP donors and others in the party to distance himself from the former president after the January 6 attack.

One source close to him told CNN McCarthy had been warned against ‘crawling back to Trump’, while another source said the Florida trip would make him look weak.

But in re-establishing his relationship with Trump, McCarthy is considering what will get him back the House and possibly drop him to the roster. Sources told CNN he was eager to rejoin Trump after corporate donors – including American Express, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Commerce Bank, Dow and Marriott – suspended PAC donations to members of Congress who objected has to certify the election for the current president. Joe Biden.

Thursday’s Mar-a-Lago rally reflects a feeling among some Republicans in Washington that Trump remains a singular within the party and that the former president is an election asset, even if Trump leaves office with the lowest approval of his presidency , according to a CNN poll earlier this month.

“President Trump’s popularity has never been stronger than it is today, and his endorsement means more than perhaps any approval at any given time,” read the statement from the group, which also released a photo of Trump and McCarthy smiling together at Mar-a- Lago.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, David Wright, Dana Bash and Daniella Diaz contributed to this report.
