Trump steek ‘n sus principales abogados una seman antes del juicio político beskuldiging | News Univision Politica

La orden entra en vigencia el proximo lunes, just in front of the medianche, and is extensively accessible only to the transport media and also to the terminals, stations, paradises and airports.

“People need to wear mascaras that cover as much as they want to hope, abort, travel or disembark public transport. People also need to wear mascaras in the installations of a United States Transportation Center”, said CDC in the announcement.

The CDC will also be required to use mascara-type masks, which can be made removable or removable, including cases, but no face protectors or panels.

The normative example contains some exceptions, while it comes, it takes or does not take any medicine, but “for short periods”.

At the moment, many means of transport require the use of mascarillas, but in general the companies, such as the airlines. ‘N Partir de ahora to fill in this mandate implies violating a federal order.

On January 21, President Biden issued an executive order urging federal agencies to “mediate” in order to demand the use of mascara in public transportation.
