Trump staak deportation of Venezuelan irregular immigrants – EEUU and Canada – International

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, suspended this March the deportation of Venezuelan irregular immigrants for a period of 18 months and also the temporary work permit.

Trump is taking part in the midst of his last day on the podium, given that these figures include President Biden’s Democrat Joe Biden.

(Le sugerimos learns: Guide to understanding the Biden investment: invites and curiosities)

In a statement from the White House, Trump said that “Venezuela’s deterrent situation justifies the eviction of Venezuelan citizens who are present in the United States.”

The mandate holder considers that his decision, which can benefit those permanently in the country until 20, responds to the “external political interests of the United States”.

The medium has some exceptions and will not apply to persons who have been deported before or who have been convicted of a crime or two minor offenses.

(Puede ver: Sondig ‘n Biden, Trump published his speech)

Venezuela’s deterrent situation justifies eviction

In addition to ordering the suspension of the deportations, the President-elect approves “employment authorizations for foreigners who have been evicted (…) for the duration of their stay”.

Trump’s decision to sue the Venezuelan community in the United States, in its Florida majority, has been repealed for four years by the Belgian government against Nicolás Maduro.

Hecho, this very March Washington approves the economic sanctions against Caracas, this is for members of a superstitious red cuyo era would commercialize crude Venezuelan evadiendo the penalties stadiums.

Trump and Guaidó

The President of EE. UU, Donald Trump, and the President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, in a meeting at Casa Blanca.

Since his inauguration of the White House in 2017, Trump’s governor has imposed numerous rounds of economic sanctions against Maduro’s Executive, which he considers “legitimate”.

EE.UU. is one of the leading allies of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, although in 2019 reconnaissance as the nation’s legitimate president.

The Governor of Venezuela hopes that the new Administrator of the Democrat Joe Biden, who will hold the Presidency of the EU. mérana mércoles, tenga “atisbos de decencia”, coupled with the international and established “diplomatic channels of respectful dialogue”.

More notice of the United States Unidos:

– With ira and division: así deja Donald Trump la Casa Blanca

– How will Joe Biden’s investor end Trump’s era?

– Biden rinde homage to the victims of covid antes de asumir el poder

