Trump, solo, enthusiastic and defiant in the White House, theme by his legacy. Peru aún le quedan seguidores fieles

Mientras se votaba el accusation and ingressaba to the history books as the only president in being injected of the times, Donald Trump miraba the procedure on television, aislado y en silencio, en una Casa Blanca casi vacía, segun han descrito funcionarios y allegados.

The image contrasts with the fact that it has four years of mandate, in which it leads the national political discourse, but exemplifies the perfection of its new reality.

The suspension of his Twitter accounts and other platforms will make his herramaine privacy more potent for controlling Republicans and electing his followers.

Trump continues, in his last days, defiantly and hospitably, indicating an administrator of our NBC News herman chain.

Members of his party, officials and assistants left him. Including Casa Blanca is listed for the final of his presidency: Ala Oste converts to a ghost town through the attack on the Capitol, and these emeralds emcee to play the mud dungeons.

Parece leads the party of the first lady, Melania Trump, quien lleva semanas supervising the mail of pertenencias, in secret and little to little, to Mar-a-Lago and deposits. “I’m not sad about you,” said a CNN official.

‘N Donald Trump solo queda una semana en la Casa Blanca y se ha negado a renunciar pese a los multiples pedidos. AP

As of now, Trump is gone a puppet of allied fervent and the support of a large part of the Republican base.

It is clear that the leader of the party, such as Representative Liz Cheney, will take over the leadership of the party, as will Senator Mitch McConnell. But, at the same time, 10 Republicans will open more than 200 accusation in the Chamber of Representatives. Among the party’s voters, only 17% believe it should be rejected, following an inquiry by Axios-Ipsos.

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Some Republicans from the Chamber of Deputies and Senate firmly believe that Trump follow ten pesos in the elections of 2022 and 2024, including if it is held by the Senate.

The President is united, in all forms, including his allies, as well as in the Congress as in the media of communication, he did not have a very strong defense to his favor as he was right in the first juicio of politics, assassins and collaborators diary The Washington Post and The Associated Press. The legal team also has a plan for the trial in the senado.

“It’s always been more solo, awkward and frustrated”, a high-ranking official.

Trump alone has accepted in his intimate circle that women have been allowed to immortalize in his name. With the latest successes, all of which are available to hacker, Indian analysts.

And in the last week there was a lot of unrighteousness in his name. Some assessors describe the political juicio como a sad and inconvenient finale, prompted by a president who could not simply accept a loss, The Washington Post indicated.

In a place to celebrate the logos of the first mandate, we all deal with horror while the Capitol era is atropellado“, said Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s assessor since 2017.

I have not been seen since

The relative silence of Trump’s solitude no debe leerse como una sumisión, dicen sus allegados. More well on the contrary: it continued to falsify its claims that it won the elections and failed to renounce them.

One of the few trusts Trump in these days has been Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from the South Carolina, with whom he shared the road to the Texas front on the presidential air force One El Martes.

“The president is confronted with the reality of what he is doing,” said Graham, referring to the election, “cree que le hicieron trampa“and nothing will change it”.

Trump has called for a cease-fire in the wake of the violence and to denounce censorship on social media.

Hours after accusation, appeared in a video condensed on the insurrection, while Washington DC gathered in a war zone ahead of its fanatical facilities. “Jamás podría responds to political violence”, dijo.

The message is not only one week long that it is the antithesis of his acclaimed discourse that precedes his followers the 6th year of the year, in which the footsteps that “luchen de manera infernal”. Luego, the head of the Capitol, will have to declare the victory of Joe Biden, in an ashes that will kill five.

Multiple political and economic issues

Trump accumulate other rotations together with double jeopardy, which marks its legacy and image, as the phrase of its Administration to contain the pandemic, its cause in the presidential elections and the divisions that are profound at the national level. Además, deja el poder a sus oponentes. The Democratic Party is now alone with the presidency meeting with the Mayor in the two chambers of Congress.

One of Trump’s toughest defenses in the White House comes from Jason Miller, a campaigner who argues that he accusation will end up bidding on Biden and converting to Trump in March.

All indications are that the President will end his term of office, and that the Senate has no plans to reunite with its political juices by June 19, one of the days before the inauguration. Aún así, al presidente le preocupa el futuro de su fortuna y ha initiat una campaign to rehabilitate his image.

His finances he received various assets, as the decision of the New York City Council to start trading with its company and Deutsche Bank’s announcement that it will not finance its projects.

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Among other resources, Trump has been preparing an indulgence oath, including family members, following familiar acquaintances with his plans. Included continued this week discussing a forgiveness for yourself.

More information on Associated Press, The Washington Post, NBC News, CNN and Axios.
