Trump rises up against Senate Republican leader: “Mitch is a corrupt and deceitful politician” | International

The leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, along with Donald Trump, president of EE UU, in an image of the October 2017. (
The leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, along with Donald Trump, president of EE UU, in an image of the October 2017. (DREW ANGERER / AFP

The war over the future of the Republican Party has taken place. The caveza sigbaar of a block is the former President Donald Trump and in the other is located now Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, the most powerful conservative of the last years in Washington and who, during the Trump era, engine and frenzy of the magnate’s political agenda. The Kentucky senator, 78 years old, exonerates Trump on Saturday in the juices accusation, but pronounced a discourse against the executor, as the culprit in the Capitol. Trump reacted this March to a tacit statement of “politically corrupt, aristocratic, sad and deceitful”, assuring that no one will swear with letters like him.

The writing transpires this old fury of those Twitter messages that now, silently on social media, he disappears. In order to replicate to McConnell’s speeches the late morning of a Saturday in a tuxedo, the answer was given three days ago, but it was served to explain. Trump attributed to McConnell the loss of the Republican majority in the High Court. Democrats will enter January 5 to win the consignments of a bastion conservator like the state of Georgia and provide empathy 50 to 50 in the Senate, which is under de facto Democratic control, as the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has the vote that directs in case of empathy.

“The Republican Party will not win if it is not respected or held with ‘leaders’ like Senator Mitch McConnell at the time. “McConnell’s dedication to everlasting politics, his lack of vision, his ability, his ability and his personalities has led to the rise of the Leader of the Mayor and the Leader of the Minority and he is only going to emerge,” Trump said in a statement.

McConnell is one of the Capitol’s most senior senators, occupied by Kentucky since 1985 and elected in the last elections, last November 3, when he was assured he had until 2026, when he was 83 years old. It is, therefore, a politician with a little bit of temper. When in 2015 the Republicans regained control of the Senate, they were converted into the leader of the Republican majority of the powerful Cámara. As a result, the Obama administration’s frontman and the Trump administration, to whom it refers, for example, to public funding for the construction of the wall in Mexico. Llevaba con orgullo el apodo de “la parca” porque era quien mataba las de leyes que le llegaban de los democrats.

While Trump agitated the ballot box of electoral fraud to deny the victory of Joe Biden, calling during months, but in December abandoned by magnate y, after the attack on Congress the 6th of January, just before the attack. “These criminals carry their pancakes, steal their banners and grab them in spite of themselves,” he said on Saturday, pointing out the guilt of incitement to insurrection, in the trial in the Senate.

McConnell argued that one accusation must be used to appoint the presidents in the cargo and that, while Trump is running for the White House, the podium will be prosecuted by the ordinary justice in the case of a dispute, except that the fault was committed as president (the cambio of Gobierno tuvo lugar el pasado día 20). “I have no doubt that the president is practically and morally responsible for the inconveniences,” he said.

This March, Trump took the plunge. As far as McConnell is concerned, it is “destroying” the Republican bank of the Senate and, with it, “increasing gravity” in the United States. If haberle is backed in his last campaign for the Senate. “Me lo suplicó”, dijo y, sin él, “hubiese perdido de mala manera”. Moreover, the accusation of not doing “nothing” precedes the economic and military amenity that significant China owes to its family having “important deals” in the country. McConnell was married to Elaine Chao, a native of Taipei who served as Secretary of State to Bush and was named Trump’s Secretary of Transportation. It was the time of cordiality. In January, after the congress, there was one of the high-altitude loads that ended in a protest signal.

The referendum reflects the great fissure that the Trump era and its final crackdown have on the Republican Party. 10 congressmen of the Chamber of Representatives will vote for someterlo a un accusation y siete senadores lo condenaron. Never a political juicie and a president has been suspended in support of his party’s proposal, but has not yet added a majority of the necessary votes to the condensate. Trump is an owner, aun así, un papel muy influyente sobre las bases. A poll by Politico and Morning Consult published this March reflects that, if Republican primaries are celebrating today, Trump wins with 59% of the vote, ahead of many others who are likely to run for president in 2024, like Mike Pence Nikki Haley.

