Trump readily requests solicitation to testify in his political juice

(CNN) –– President Donald Trump will not testify during his second political trial, the CNN judge Jason Miller, Trump’s executor, said that the Chamber of Deputies’ fiscal lawsuits are being filed by the juvenile court that the executor will testify in the political trial.

“The president will not testify in an unconstitutional process,” Miller assured.

The solicitation of the fiscal juices is a drastic action to prevent Trump from registering on its conduct in connection with the January 6 disturbances in the Capitol.

However, Trump’s legal team has quickly reiterated its application for a tax return to the political juvenile court. In this way, Democrats are pushing the decision to oblige Trump not to testify against a judicial citation.

The Chief Tax Officer of Political Juice, Jamie Raskin, sent a card to Trump’s attorney on these jewels. On the moving motion, Trump will testify before or during the next political juices, which begin this March. According to Raskin’s argument, the President’s testimony was based on the fact that he questioned the allegations made by the Chamber concerning the instigation of the Capitol.

“Many days ago, you presented a response to the fact that there are many factual accusations established in the cargo of political juices,” writes Raskin. “For this reason, he has taken the initiative to discuss critical criticisms of the clear evidence and abduction of his constitutional dispute. In the wake of his impeachment these factual allegations, he wrote to invite the testimony to be heard in court, before or during the Senate’s political trial, on March 6, 2021, “continues the Maryland Democracy.

Trump’s attorneys responded to Raskin’s solicitation of these juveniles. In a map of three paraphrases I wrote that the media was a signal that the Chamber should not try its accusations against Trump.

“Use our Constitution to have a superstitious process of political juicing and some serious action to intent on playing these games,” wrote Bruce Castor and David Schoen, Trump’s attorneys.

Presentan arguments for political juicing. This is dicen 2:11

All assessors convene a Trump en enero de no acudir a la Cámara de Representantes para deferse antes de su segundo juicy politico. A similar tactic that we also considered the first time that was accused.

The quick return to solicitation for Trump to testify in the political juice plant the support of if the Democrats intend to quote. The Camera Card does not mention a citation. On the other hand, Raskin suggested that the guarantors of political juice use his negative in his counter, writing: “We reserve all and every one of the rights, including the right to establish in the juices that the negative to testify a forceful inference adversity. actions ».

Given the question of whether Trump was quoted as saying that he was negligent, Raskin avoided commenting respectfully.

In the first political trial, Democrats will seek the testimony of Trump’s national security spokesman, John Bolton, no presidential proposition. Pero the intention to quote Bolton fracasó. At the moment, Republicans are voting against trying to testify in the juices before Trump goes unpunished.

The question of whether or not the tax collectors of the Cámara Buscarían testigos have been in the air since the commencement of the political trial. Indeed, party officials’ senators have instituted a speedy process for the Senate to advance and work on President Joe Biden’s agenda. But the taxation of the political juices and the president of the Chamber of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, will keep silent about the testimony of the witnesses until the card of these judges.

The senators from both parties appear to rethink the idea.

Senator Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat from Virginia Occidental, said a “pantomime” series. El Senador Chris Coons, Democrat from Delaware, here’s an idea ‘terrible’.

“Do you know President Trump?” Dijo Coons told reporters when he saw the pedestrian in his chair.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican of Carolina from the South and a close ally of the president, said there was no “no interest” series that Trump would testify.

“It’s just a political move to make it happen, and it’s not called the Camera,” said Graham.

¿Someter a juicio político A Trump is constitutional? 1:15

Although Trump’s testimony during his political trial in the Senate is a very mediocre moment in the process, it is not clear whether the outcome of the trial will be announced. Five and 50 Republican senators will vote this past week before deciding on the political verdict. It is about the basis on which we perform against an ex-president is unconstitutional.

Pelosi is questioning these Jews and the tax collectors of the Chamber of Deputies have raised a positive possibility of Trump debating and voting. The leader democratically responded in concrete terms: “They do not know me.”

“For what do we hope and despise that exponent in his case?”, Agregó Pelosi. “If we do not comply with this, we will also eliminate any sanction from the Constitution,” he concluded.

The Chamber of Deputies accused Trump of inciting the insurgency in the Capitol. In a written preview of the political juices presented this March, the tax authorities will notify the president of being “singularly responsible” for the deaths. As a sign, Trump’s actions are defying false conspiracy theories about the fact that electoral elections are inciting robbers to attack the Capitol. Y, therefore, to alter the Pacific transfer of power to impede that the Congress certifies the election.

Trump’s lawyers argued in a legal statement on Tuesday that the Senate’s political juvenile was unconstitutional. According to his argument, Trump was not president and did not incite the agitators. The ex-minister’s legal team also argued that Trump’s speech was protected by the First Amendment. Additionally, it’s signaled that Trump’s false statements about elections will not prove to be inaccurate.

On the map of these jewels, Raskin told Trump that at some point he would testify between the moons and the jewels of the next week. It is predicted that the juice will come on March.

Kaitlan Collins and Jim Acosta, los dos de CNN, contribute to an eighth reporter.
