Trump promises not to concede Biden during protest outside the White House

US President Donald Trump gestures as he speaks during a rally to challenge the certification of the US presidential election results in 2020 by the US Congress in Washington, USA, on January 6, 2021.

Jim Bourg | Reuters

President Donald Trump lied about the outcome of the presidential election and boasted about the size of a crowd at a rally on Wednesday where he refused to acknowledge the defeat against President-elect Joe Biden.

“We will never give up, we will never give in,” Trump told participants outside the White House, who applauded him one hour before Congress would begin the process of confirming Biden’s victory in Electoral College.

“We’ll stop stealing!” Trump said when he appeared on stage, after the crowd waited for his appearance while listening to pop songs such as “Macho Man”, “Don’t Stop Believe” and “Tiny Dancer”.

The crippled Republican also reiterated an appeal to his own vice president, Mike Pence, for refusing to accept the validity of Biden’s election ballot papers from several battlefield states.

Supporters of US President Donald Trump gather in Presidents Park on the Ellipse at the White House for his rally and speech to certify the US Congress of the results of the 2020 US presidential election in Washington, USA, January 6, 2021 dispute.

Jim Bourg | Reuters

Experts say Pence does not have such a power if he presides over the joint session of Congress, as it confirmed Wednesday afternoon that the results of the state elections have been confirmed.

“I hope Mike’s going to do the right thing,” Trump said. “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we will win the election.”

“He has the absolute right to do so.”

More than a dozen Republican senators and up to 100 or more House members are expected to challenge the results of some states, but Biden’s victory is not expected to thwart as both the Senate and the House are up rate to confirm his victories therein. state.

Trump, as he has for two months, claimed to have won the referendum outright, when in fact he lost by more than 7 million popular votes against the former Democratic vice president.

“We won it nationwide,” he claimed. “It was not a decisive election.”

Trump also claimed that “they cheated like hell” in Georgia’s two Senate special elections on Tuesday, where Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock was projected as the winner of Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler, and where another Democrat, Jon Ossoff, the Republican led. David Perdue in ballot papers.

Trump and his allies allege, without any evidence, that there was widespread vote fraud in several states, which led the states to allow their election college votes to be allocated to Biden. The Democrat won 306 votes, 36 more than he needs to win the White House.

Trump won in 2016 by exactly the same margin over Hillary Clinton.

“They halted an election. They hated it like never before,” Trump said Wednesday.

However, no court has invalidated any ballot for Biden over a claim by the Trump campaign or his supporters that fraud was committed.

Trump-related lawsuits challenging Biden’s victory, including a request that the U.S. Supreme Court enter the case, were generally defeated or withdrawn.

The president lamented the Supreme Court, which appointed three judges of Trump, saying the Supreme Court “likes to rule against me.”

Trump’s faltering remarks quickly spread to him on Wednesday, asking, “Where’s a hunter?”

He hoped allegations he made during the election about Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, would help him win a second term.
