Trump plans to launch an attack on Iran before the cargo arrives | Univision World News

Agreed with this report, Vice President Mike Pence, State Secretary Mike Pompeo, Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller and President of the Joint Mayor Mayor, General Mark Milley, the Trump adviser on a missile strike, including a cyber attack, against the installations of Iran powder can easily escalate into a conflict of major proportions.

But there have been weeks since the president debated the White House, trope movement and armament to the region, as well as prescriptions on the part of Israel and Arabia Saudi Arabia, however, the possibility that this attack will take place soon.

This Saturday, the assassin of Iran, Mohamad Javad Zarif told Trump not to “care” in the latest tragedy that the Israeli intelligence services are mounting to unleash a shock between nations.

“New intelligence from Iraq indicates that Israeli provocateurs are preparing attacks on state witnesses, blaming Trump for a crackdown on a false cause to justify a war,” he said in a Twitter post.

And the salaried mandate agreed: “Covered with a trample @ realDonaldTrump, any fugue will be a bad counterproductive”.

Some say it is hoping for an immediate action by Iran and the Iraqi militias to complete this year’s the first anniversary of Soleimani’s death. possibility.

Movement of tropes and armaments

Thus, as far as maneuverability is concerned with regard to the possibility of Iranian reprisals over the death of Soleimani, the United States has been carrying out important troop and armament movements in the region in recent months.

Además, The USS Nimitz car was towed to the GulfAlthough this is what the Secretary of Defense has decided to do, it does not extend its alliance, as it could be interpreted as a signal of desalination and another sin of the internal divisions of the Pentagon.

Pressures of Israel in Saudi Arabia

This game, the periodical Dar Al-Hayat, in English, published a report citing the anonymous sources of the United States, in which he assures that Israel in Arabia Saudi Arabia is pressuring the Trump administration to launch an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities Antes de salir de la Casa Blanca, looking to sabotage the possible negotiations between Biden and the Iranian regime to look for another agreement on the nuclear program of this country.

Agreed with this medium, in which Pompeo reunion was held with the attack on Iranian uranium processing plants.

In the last months, various actions and sabotages against Iranian installations have been carried out, from Tehran’s culprits to Israel. Hecho, Israeli officials confirmed to some media outlets that the country was responsible for the assassination attempt in November on scientist Mohsen Fakrizadeh, one of the main leaders of the Iranian nuclear program.

What are Trump’s motivations?

Analyst Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute, author of the book “Perder un enemigo: Obama, Irán y el triunfo de la diplomacia ‘(‘ Losing an Enemy -Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy ‘) creates the next three weeks since the presidency of Trump will be the most exciting in the relations with Iran.

According to Parsi, some are Trump’s motivations, “it is likely that he is calculating badly”. “All of Iran’s policies have a disastrous turnaround and have not been able to learn from its mistakes during these last four years.”

“Desperately searching for the power, exploring all forms of revocation of elections, including the idea of ​​pedaling the martial law”, the expert wrote in a column this year for the Responsible Statecraft site.

“Trump Trump wants to launch a military confrontation with Iran with the hope of creating enough chaos to avoid Joe Biden taking the cargo in black?”, Asks Parsi in his column. “No hooi no reason to create that tactical function, but the idea is undeveloped is not a convincing reason why a Trump desperate it”, added.

Según Parsi, as Trump finally defeats a military action against Iran, ganaría como minimo the response of the evangelical Christians that “comes the confrontation with Iran as the compliment of the prophecy of the end of time in the book of Apocalypse”.

También also called for the support of the Republican Party’s mayor, Sheldon Adelson, to whom Trump has complained about other favorable media in Israel, such as the release of Israeli spy Jonhatan Pollard, a gesture that the AP califio as the last a list of diplomatic missions that President Donald Trump has given to Nethanyahu “, in addition to the hach ​​of having transferred the emissary to Jerusalem.

But even a confrontation with Iran would impede Biden finally going to the White House, Trump would calculate, according to Parsi, al menos acabará con el acuerdo kernkrag met Irán de una vez, guarantees the support of Adelson and the evangelicals, key figures for consolidating a posterior control over the Republican Party, and the fragmented front on electoral fraud allegations or Trump’s petitions to accept federal funds.

