Trump lifts the restriction on European Union proceeds, but Biden la revertirá | Sociedad

A woman, with mascara, at the New Jersey airport, passed in September.
A woman, with mascara, at the New Jersey airport, passed in September.SHANNON STAPLETON / Reuters

Donald Trump has announced this Monday night that will bring the United States to the pro-foreign countries of Europe and Brazil. The medium announced enters into force from the 26th of January, although it is obligatory to present a negative test of covid-19 to enter the country. The President-elect has decided to eliminate the tax burden in March to begin the coronavirus propagation, two days before finalizing his term. The future spokesman for Joe Biden’s Administration, Jen Psaki, took to Twitter to say that Gobierno’s approach “does not intend to levy these restrictions on January 26”.

In the disclosure of the Casa Blanca, Trump issued a statement to the sanitary authorities urging him to eliminate the restrictions applied to the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Brazil, by continuing to restrict the restrictions on Chinese and Iranian travelers. due to a lack of collaboration between the Governors and state-owned enterprises with EE UU. “I agree with the secretary [de Salud, Alex Aznar] “This action is the best way to continue to protect covid-19 stadiums while allowing them to resume safe ways,” Trump said.

United States, the most affected country by the coronavirus of the world, rose to 400,000 deaths. In the last few weeks he has set new records of bankruptcy, with more than 4,000 in 24 hours. Mientras tanto, la curva de contagios sigue descontaada et los casas superan los 24 millones en todos el pais. “With the pandemic and the surge of more contagious variants in the world, this is not the time to lift restrictions on international routes,” said Psaki, the Biden’s future spokesman, explaining that the medical team did not recommended. “Therefore, we plan to launch public health talks on international routes in order to further the propaganda of the Covid-19”.

The 12th of January, the Center for the Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC, by its seal in English) issues the order of which from the 26th of January will be considered to enter the EE UU presents a negative test of covid -19 the documentation that certificate has recovered from the infection. The normative rule applies to all air passengers traveling through an extraterrestrial country.

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