Trump launches right-wing cable media flash, but says it’s too early ‘to speak 2024

President Trump made the right-wing cable news round on Wednesday night with appearances on three television networks: Newsmax, One America News Network and Fox News. He started on Newsmax, where host Greg Kelly has repeatedly insisted on whether he will be re-elected president in 2024.

“So far,” 24, too early to say, “Trump replied.

Trump has repeatedly insisted on whether he wants to clinch another run for the White House, and has dared Trump.

“I will not say yet,” Trump said.

Trump, who has been largely out of sight since his January 6 rally in Washington, also cited a rally held by several hundred supporters on Monday as proof of the strength of “the entire MAGA movement.”

The interviews apparently dealt with the conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who passed away on Wednesday. Trump also called in Fox News to address the broadcaster’s death Wednesday afternoon.

Limbaugh was an outspoken supporter of Trump and appeared with the real estate mogul several times during his election as president in 2016. During his speech at the state of the nation address in February 2020, Trump awarded the president the medal of freedom.

On Newsmax, Trump repeatedly praised Limbaugh as an unparalleled radio talent and ‘a wonderful guy’, but he also used the 20-minute conversation to take shots at politicians from both parties and to make several false allegations about his loss. to Joe Biden last year’s presidential election. The former president appears simultaneously on OANN, where he says Limbaugh also believes Trump was “robbed” in the campaign. Trump should end the evening with an appearance on Fox News.

President Joe Biden speaks at a television town hall event at the Pabst Theater, Tuesday, February 16, 2021, in Milwaukee.  (AP Photo / Evan Vucci)

Joe Biden on Tuesday at a town hall event in Milwaukee. (Evan Vucci / AP)

In the past week, Biden has criticized Trump for providing bad information about the status of the COVID-19 vaccines in the country. On Newsmax, Trump suggested that Biden pretend that there are “no vaccines” and he defends the handling of vaccination.

“We’ve given millions of shots and millions of doses, so he’s either told the truth or he’s mentally gone,” Trump said of Biden.

The White House declined to comment on Trump’s appearance. Biden’s administration said the number of doses sent to countries each week had increased by 57 percent since he took office on January 20.

Trump was once a constant presence on cable news and social media, and has maintained a low public profile since Biden’s inauguration. Last month, in the wake of the attack on the American Capitol, he was deployed by major social companies.

Both Facebook and Twitter mention the risk of further violence. In the weeks before the attack, Trump used his public perch to spread unfounded conspiracy theories about Biden’s victory. He also urged supporters to fight the transfer of power, including in a fiery speech on the national shopping center just before the attack on Capitol. Trump has repeated his false allegations about the election on Newsmax.

“Really bad and dishonest things have happened,” Trump said of the vote. “It’s a shame. It’s like a third world with the election. ”

Officials from both parties and experts all stated that there was no credible evidence of fraud in connection with last year’s election. Newsmax, which openly supports Trump, has previously confirmed his conspiracy theories about the vote. In December, however, the network made its coverage clear amid the threat of defamation lawsuits from a voting software company. Since then, guests have been put off by false allegations about the election on the channel.

Donald Trump

Trump will board Marine One at the South Lawn of the White House on January 20. (Alex Brandon / AP)

Trump’s interview with Newsmax was not broadcast live, and Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy did not respond to questions about whether the conversation was pre-recorded to prevent Trump from making false allegations about specific software companies. Greg Kelly, the host who interviewed the former president, did not respond when Trump commented on the vote.

On Newsmax, Trump addressed his diminished media footprint, suggesting he “looks at many different things,” including joining different sites or starting one of his own.

“We are negotiating with a number of people and there is also the other option of building your own site,” Trump said, adding: “It has become very boring. We do not want to go back to Twitter. ”

Since leaving the White House, his public presence has been largely limited to statements by e-mail. On Tuesday, he released a 600-word diatribe that accused Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who wrote a Wall Street Journal editorial, of Trump for the Capitol attack.

Kelly asked Trump on Wednesday if he was interested in following in Limbaugh’s footsteps on talk radio. Trump calls the idea ‘one of the little things that keeps popping up’, but shows that it will be difficult to replace Limbaugh.

‘A lot of people call it that, and no, it’s not something I thought of. He will be difficult to replace, “Trump said of Limbaugh. “I would say he’s irreplaceable.”

Trump was much more direct when Kelly asked if he did not want to be president.

“I do,” Trump said. “Everything went well. “It’s too bad.”
