Trump infection by covid fue preoccupant: evaluaron poner respirador

(CNN) –– The condition of President Donald Trump’s positive move to covid-19 took place as a pre-occupant in October, which was considered to be an artificial responder, given that the mandate was given to a person at the time.

This detail is doubtful about the condition of the president was because of what officials would have known to publicly reconsider. A hecho that the diary The New York Times informo por primera vez en detalle este jueves.

CNN reports – in October that when Trump was flown by plane to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, he only had problems breathing, but also received supplemental oxygen. Trump “definitely got oxygen,” CNN told the source.

The ex-president’s doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, diva on the subject on this occasion. And Trump said “there is no such thing as oxygen at the moment.” When the question was asked if the president accepted it, Conley did not respond directly. “I did not need anyone to help me,” he replied. Before any doubts are received, supplemental oxygen as part of its treatment by covid-19, Conley tampoco contesto directly. “At the moment it is not receiving (the oxygen)”. And aggregate: «Ayer y hoy no oxygen reception».

Trump resumes public activities 3:59

The New York Times It was also reported that Trump found pulmonary infiltrates, “which occur when the pulses are inflamed and contain substances such as liquids or bacteria. His presence, especially when a patient presents with other symptoms, can be a sign of common cause of the illness. You can easily detect in a radiography or an exploration, when parts of the white or white appearing pulses ».

The diary aggregates that Trump’s oxygen level drops to 80. Conley repeatedly evades front reporters by asking about his condition and has received oxygen. Only daydreamers have a time when Trump’s levels recovered that no one was in the “80s.”

El Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, said Conley’s hecho did not reveal the dates it was disturbing.

“It’s disturbing because it’s Dr. Conley in this moment clearly clarifies evasive and engaging, “said Jha to Wolf Blitzer, of CNN, these jews.

«I like it a lot better than Dr. Conley and Casa Blanca are both transparent and open to the public. I’m in a place where we’ll take care of them. If so, by supuesto, fue muy decepcionante … Todo es muy lastimoso », señaló Jha.

Mark Meadows, who was the general secretary of the Casa Blanca, met periodically with an optimistic medical informant from Conley. In private they say: “The vital signs of the President during the last 24 hours have made me very preoccupied. The next 48 hours will be critical in terms of their care. Todavía we are not in a clear truck haci a complete recovery ».

In view of the condition of Melania Trump, who was somewhat familiar with the treatment of the first lady, she never even started the regeneron therapy therapy. This is one of the treatments that I receive from my spouse. The source says that the tomo “much, much time” will improve, but she insists that the virus closes its course. And Melania Trump added that he treats with holistic drugs, such as herbal infusions. Also, there is no such thing as a free sale of analgesics.

Kate Bennett and Andrea Diaz, las dos de CNN, make a contribution.
