Trump, in an agonizing gesture, arrives in Texas to visit the wall | US Elections

Donald Trump, passed June in the wall of Arizona.
Donald Trump, passed June in the wall of Arizona.Evan Vucci / AP

Silent and without the Twitter hint that the communication with the world, President Donald Trump is expected to travel this March to the front on the country to visit what will be his main campaign promise: the 640 kilometers of wall built between the United States and Mexico. Trump has not been seen in public since the Wednesday morning march around the Capitol.

What can happen to history as the president of the nation resists to become the power of an ultimate show of strength, which necessitates that the blasphemy of the White House and that in Washington is a political corpse. Through the violent violence of its ultras in the Capitol, the mandate has made public the videos, in one of the most important ways to claudicate, admitting the derrota, condemning the violence and facilitating the transition to the President-elect, Joe Biden, without quoting his name .

The President resists the abandonment of the power without which, without hesitation, he will be on the side of the cis, his ultimate provocation before that, as the announcement, not at the Inauguration of the new President and including abandoning the White House one day before what dictates tradition.

The last agendas of the Casa Blanca eran vanas, an indicator of that the president is without rum, quiza from the manotazos that then the ahogados antes of sucumbir a suerte. “Many llamas, many reunions”, it was limited to informing the press department. Without embarrassment, the domino by night, tends to be a tendency and if a notice is given that I want to try to bring life to the magnate in reality and the need of his son for the grand gestures, by many vacancies of content that vayan a to be.

“President Trump will travel to Alamo, Texas, on March 4 to mark the 400-mile (640-kilometer) frontier wall term”, announced Judd Deer, one of the White House spokesmen, in a letter communicated to the is the last week of Trump’s term. “A promising promise and a complete promise”, is presented in an electoral tone, although a epitaph is sung. According to the spokesman, Trump’s wall “concentrates on the efforts of its Administration to reform the failed migration system”.

The 640 kilometers of construction that led to the deaths of the “big, hard wall” that Trump promised during the 2016 election campaign, when he suggested that practically 1,954 miles (3,144 kilometers) of frontage between series of ships were being sold to anyone de problemas, que traen drogas, crimen y son violadores ”. Today, four years after an erratic administration, Trump only posted a small percentage of his megalomaniacs to sell an impossible front of paint. The president-elect, Joe Biden, has compromised to slow down the construction of the wall, although he has not dismantled what Trump has done in the form of 681,000 acre tons and more than 1,000 million cubic meters of hormone.

Mientras crecen las voces que piden su dimisión and the Democrats present this month the accusation in the Chamber of Representatives to proceed to accusation -with the provision of voting in mid-week if Vice-President Pence does not agree to appoint the President of Saliente-, otherwise more than the solvency of the mandate will be accrued to Texas without the Allied Water Company that Solian boasts anti-immigration consignments. Ni the Gobernador of Texas, the Republican Greg Abbot, ni his number dos staran al pie de la escalerilla esperando a que descenda el todavía commandande en jefe de EE UU. Both politicians have argued to justify their intention to stay in Austin for the opening of the new legislature.

Democrats and many Republicans consider the wall a dilemma, a costly monument that will end up feeding Trump the desirability of a monument to the poster being built with the excuse of security. Finally, there will be a huge scarecrow in a very delicate medium-sized landscape.

Tras gobernar duru cuatro años a golpe de Twitter, with 89 million followers and 55,000 messages and more than a decade, the president saliente travel to Texas without more amplifier than a mermado department of communication of the Casa Blanca and the swimming pool from the press that usually accompanies. If you pay attention to the information in the communication media, it is possible that in his tribute to the wall there are more detractors who demonstrate that the habitual court of the mandate.

Habla Melania

Sin jefa de Gabinete (Stephanie Grisham) y sin jefa de pressa (Anna Cristina Niceta), ambas en plantilla para la primera Dama de Estados Unidos hasta que presentaron su dimisi pasade merercoles tras el asalto al Capitolio, Melania Trump ha expresses su sentir de the last days he talked about the media he silenced on his post, Twitter. Trump’s secretary said he was “deceived and decimated with what happened last week”.

But it must not take the opportunity to criticize “the mental schemes and unjustified personal attacks” against it. It is not clear what his personal attacks are, the chain CNN has ensured that during the violin violin at the Capitol, Melania was conducting a photo session that was interrupted to conclude a treaty on the occasion of the end of the violence.

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