Trump has not won the Nobel of the Peace, a Norwegian deputies who nominated him

Oslo, Norway

A Norwegian deputy who proposed Donald Trump’s candidacy for the Nobel of the Peace considers the juveniles that the president of the state has not thanked the prize after all, given his behavior since the November 2020 election.

The deputy, member of the anti-immigrant law, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, signaled that the candidacy announced in September was currently justified by the progress made, according to Donald Trump logo in Oriente Medio. For the behavior that has occurred since the past elections the descalica for the galleon, matizó.

“Obtuvo results in Oriente Medio para la paz entre Israel y varios paises vecinos”, verklaar Tybring-Gjedde a la cadena TV2 Nyhetskanalen.

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There are many prizes from the Paz dados a persona no lo han logrado, mientras que el si que ha hecho. But when we saw what he had done and what he had done, he took this award as something completely unnatural, “he said.

Tybring-Gjedde and a Swedish Deputy Proposed, Separately, ‘n Donald Trump for the Nobel Prize of the Peace 2021, the first by the Presidential Council on the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and secondly, by its efforts in the operation between Serbia and Kosovo.

Donald Trump has refused to accept his resignation in the November 3 presidential election, and a concentration of sympathizers is taking place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., in violent episodes of the Capitol. A violent death that Trump was accused of committing.

“Tras la derrota election […]has practically been unstable mentally, judging by his behavior “, considered Tybring-Gjedde, who in 2018 also nominated Donald Trump for the Nobel.” I seem to have forgotten what he has heard from the elections. Deberia has accepted the derrota hace much time “.

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Dozens of miles of people (parliamentarians and ministers of all lands, expatriates, some university professors, etc.) can present a candidacy for the Nobel of the Peace.

For its part, the Nobel Committee affirms that it accepts all valid candidatures by specifying that it is proposed for the award does not mean that the organism will impulse the candidacy.
