Trump begins the list of presidents of the EUU without going to the first inauguration of the success | News Univision Elections in EUEU 2020

For someone who likes to resell the “historical” things that he considers to be in his governing body the presidential salient Donald Trump sigge empeñando en dejar markas en la historia de Estados Unidos de muy diversas y singulares manneras.

Ahora también hará historia al entrar en otra list aun kurta: la de presidentes salientes que no asisten a la fiesta inaugurale de su sucesor.

Law of his derrota in the presidential elections of the 3rd of November front to Joe Biden, the republican did not concede the election and in exchange for the false accusations of fraud in order not to admit that loss.

The action of -nada menos- that the President of the United States, generates chaos at the national level and state of historical proportions, generates a deep da’on in the confidence that part of the state society maintains over the functioning of the institutional system in a se enorgullese de llamarse “la burgemeester democracia del mundo”.

Antes de Trump, solo tres presidents en eercicio no han assistido a la none of the inaugural ceremonias de sus successors: John Adams (1801), John Quincy Adams (1829) y Andrew Johnson (1869), un breve inventario al se se agrega el appellido Trump.

This is a brief summary of the history of our presidents who ‘boycotted’ the position of their successors.

The capital of the country is preparing an annual protest rally and two days of Joe Biden’s jurisdiction

