Trump and the Republican Party of War | US Elections

Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, went to jail on the White House after passing one day in Florida.
Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, went to jail at the White House after passing one day in Florida.Swimming pool / ABACA / GTRES

“Donald Trump canta solo, a capela”. One of the last chronicles of this period in the 2016 presidential campaign, two days before the quotes with the ballot boxes, this title is because of Hillary Clinton’s speech, called by All the Democrats’ first leagues. electoral aislado por los popes del Grand Old Party. Neither the President Bush, father and son, nor candidates like Mitt Romney or John McCain will accompany him in the tenure. The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Republican star Paul Ryan, explicitly announced that he did not have a shared stage after the scandals of those months. Trump has been wronged in the primaries as an agent of chaos, heterodox and anti-system, azote of the dome of his own formation, the Republican Party. When, contrary to prognosis, the White House won, all of them would file lawsuits against their husbands.

Politics is fast, pragmatic, unbearable. Hoy, Donald Trump, killed in the elections, wanted to sing a chapel, at war against his party. In the Senate, an alliance — extrapolated in these times — between Democrats and Republicans, this year marks the veto of the mandate of the Defense Council, which is currently being approved by both parties. It was the first time that the Capitol revoked a mandate of the mandate. And Trump’s demand to raise estimates for the $ 600 to $ 2,000 coffers, midway through the second-largest economic recovery, has been raised by the Republican mayor. The horror of these, after weeks of conquest with the leader, has distanced itself from its foundations of electoral fraud and has reconciled with Democrat Joe Biden as president-elect.

Including his Vice President, he has just filed a lawsuit against Mike Pence over the intentions of a group of Texas and Arizona law enforcement agencies to use the power to drive the cargo and torpedo the confirmation of Biden’s victory. this is the closest Wednesday in the bicameral session that celebrates the Capitol. Pence is one of the Republicans who will be running for office in 2024 and has not been demarcated by the current state of the mandate. Caído Trump in the ballot box, many need to go to the page and make sure to subscribe to the camp for the future, but do not irritate the trumpet bases. This equilibrium game is now available.

The magnate’s Twitter account echoed humo contra los suyos. “The debilitating and disgraced Republican leader will allow the Defense Defense project to be approved,” he wrote on Tuesday. Trump rebuilt the company because of the text, which marks the presumption, establishes the end of the confederate symbols in the installations and limits its ability to retrieve tropes from the outside, among other media. So, the project of the road that will take you to the Rooms to tumble this veto. The past tense, the annulment of the Representatives, controlled by the Democrats, and these celebrations have the Senate, of the Republicans, by a majority of 81 to 13.

“Brian Kemp must dismiss his cargo, is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we are Georgia”, launched this Wednesday, against the Republican governor of this state assured, by not giving people his accusations of electoral fraud.

What is being released is a battle for the control of the Republican Party. What do you need? Have you seen Trump’s party since the November 3 riots?

On the one hand, the magnate reported that in the November comics, the 11 million more votes were cast in 2016, which led to an increase in cases of one percentage point, and the increase in traction that elects voters. The mayor’s part of the Republican vote is considered, according to polls, that Biden won the illegitimate form and the annual Gallup poll polled this week as the most admired person, beating Barack Obama. The cult of the person of Trump, resume, persists.

But also the reputation of repudio que genera, pues su index of popularity follows in the 39%. Republicans have maintained that they do not know the capacity for mobilization they have offered to compensate for the large number of Democrats they have expelled from the White House. In the elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, celebrations at the fair, and the Democrats the very poor. The Republicans will increase 10 scans in the Senate Chamber of Deputies and Control, which Biden Ansiaba’s party will recover, will decide this March on an extraordinary election of two senators assigned to Georgia.

This vote marks the four years of Biden’s mandate, then the new Gobierno Democrat will have a free hand to act or quadruple embedded in a new, new Chamber, controlled by Republicans. Trump’s somber allegation is projected on this contest, not only because none of the Republican candidates have been accused of disloyalty to the Republican president, when it comes to running the ballot, because the ballots constitute a proof of resistance: ¿tal are the Democrats going to be in the city of the White House as a target for the progressives? How did the Republicans get their names in the paper? In the first ballot, held on November 3, it will be held and, if necessary, this second seat of the Senate will be held.

Sobrevuela these are an element of mayor incidentumbre and is the effect that can cause in the urns the hecho of that the president lives the months ensuring that the electoral system is broken and that the November election in Georgia dio la victoria a Biden de forma fraudulenta .

With this electoral quote on the strength of the esquina, the pile of algae is as sensitive as the package of estimates in a serious recession economy has a strong potato for the Republicans. Trump demanded in his party that he raise $ 600 to $ 2,000 in aid checks for the citizens, even if he also supported the Democrats, and gave them the inconvenient opposition paper. As a result, the media has lost ground in the House of Representatives, but has been accused of harassing Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who has blocked his vote.

El Trumpono van die paroder del McConnell antes de Navidad, cuando reconoció en felicitó ‘n Biden como presidente electo, dejó’ n Trump sin orquesta. The sigu sis acolitos, los que se manifiestan en la calle y algunos republicanos que promueven ese insolito boicoteo en el Capitolio contra la certification de Biden, con todos los visos de fracasar. Pero la burgemeester parte del establishment republicano ha dicho basta. It is said, therefore, that there are weeks of a nature map with the intention of reversing the result of a democratic election, with all the secrets that it has in the system.

Including el New York Post, Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid, which had voted for the neo-Yorker both in 2016 and in 2020, published an editorial this week, demanding that it accept the derrota. “The Democrats treat each other like an aberration that only lasts a mandate and, frankly, you are the one to help,” he said, adding: “The King Lear of Mar-a-Lago [en referencia a la mansión de Trump en Florida], blaming the corruption in the world ”. It was a good image of the neo-York magnate’s solitary song, decided to follow the battle.

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