Trump and his allies abandon Gaetz

In the days since the news broke that the Department of Justice was investigating whether Gaetz had violated sex trafficking laws – an allegation he denies – no Trump assistant or family member tweeted about the Florida congressman. Also, almost none of the most prominent Trump surrogates or Trump-related conservatives and media personalities, including Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk or U.S. Conservative Union President Matt Schlapp, at whose annual CPAC conference Gaetz recently appeared.

The Daily Beast reported Friday night that Trump himself was monitoring the situation, but followed the advice of helpers to keep quiet about it. And several people familiar with their relationship have said that Gaetz and Trump have not spoken regularly in recent times, even after the legislature offered to resign from Congress to plead guilty in February to the former president’s indictment. close.

Operators at Trump World say the silence is due to a variety of factors. Among them is the fact that Gaetz has always been considered a grenade whose pen has already been drawn. The congressman had a reputation for a wild personal lifestyle that, according to collaborators, occasionally borders on reckless. According to two people familiar with the videos, some of Gaetz’s own associates regularly send embarrassment videos of their boss to other GOP people.

“Anyone who has spent ten minutes with the man will realize that he is a serious person,” a former Trump campaigner said.

Neither Gaetz nor his office returned a request for comment.

As Gaetz defended himself against the charges – with a TV appearance that stunned Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson, and statements that denied the underlying charge but admitted that he was ‘generous as a partner’, the perception only became stronger.

‘The reason you did not see people in the MAGA world defending Gaetz is less about being unpopular, which he is in many circles, and more about the fact that he did not do one thing to make people comfortable. make to defend. “His interview with Tucker was an absolute embarrassment of a train wreck,” Trump’s confidant said.

Gaetz does have friendly ties with some of the former president’s biggest media champions and Mar-a-Lago members. The Florida congressman introduced his fiancĂ©e, Ginger Luckey, during a New Year’s Eve celebration at the Palm Beach Club in December, which included a long guest list of MAGA celebrities and GOP donors.

“Congressman @MattGaetz asked and Ginger said ‘yes’,” Jeanine Pirro, Fox News, one of the network’s leading commentators, wrote in a tweet which at the time announced Gaetz’s engagement.

But the congressman does not enjoy particularly strong relations between the core Trump crew. Some Trump confidants saw him as a nice guy during Trump’s presidency, who wanted to use the commitment to the 45th president to lift his own career as much as to help Trump.

His self-promotion has at times yielded eye-catchers, including how he managed to position himself as a protagonist in an HBO documentary on DC during the Trump era. And he irritates others by constantly attacking his own colleagues within the GOP conference from home. In late January, for example, Gaetz organized a rally outside the Wyoming State Capitol where he encouraged voters to rep. To dump Liz Cheney, one of the ten Republicans of the House who voted to accuse Trump on a charge of inciting an uprising.

Of the half a dozen legislators who rushed to make a statement in support of Representative Jim Jordan when it was reported that the Ohio Republican had overseen sexual abuse oversight of the Ohio State University wrestling team, no one defended Gaetz. But Jordan has. And so too rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Whose conspiracy theories cost her committee assignments earlier this year.

In a report published Monday, a defiant Gaetz said he would not resign from Congress, comparing his own predicament to the allegations against Trump and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, whose Senate confirmation battle fell into chaos after being accused of having a former knowledge of high school. In a precisely worded statement, Gaetz denied that he ever paid for sex or had sex with a minor woman.

“My past lifestyle may have been different from what I live now, but it was not and is not illegal,” Gaetz wrote.

But Republican leader Kevin McCarthy called the allegations “serious” and said if it was proven meritorious, Gaetz would be deprived of his commands in the Army and Judiciary Committees. And even former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill, who resigned her seat in California in late 2019 after becoming the target of revenge porn, said she would not stand her friend out of Congress once he came to her defense. do not have. According to reports, Gaetz showed nude photos of women to colleagues of him on the floor of the house.

“If that’s true, Matt used the practice he defended me for,” Hill wrote in Vanity Fair. “Sharing intimate images or videos of anyone without their permission must be illegal, simple and straightforward.”

The harsh denial of the congressman was accompanied by a strange series of allegations that his father had been the victim of an extortion camp involving a former justice department official earlier this year. In his appearance on March 30 in Carlson’s first program, Gaetz said his father, former Florida Senate President Don Gaetz, wore a wire during a meeting with one of the individuals involved in the alleged blackmail. The Republican in Florida also said the FBI is investigating the situation.

“If you only saw our Matt Gaetz interview, it was one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever done,” Carlson told viewers afterwards.

Gaetz has not appeared on Fox News since.
