Trump allies call in lawyer Lin Wood after Pence tweeted

  • On Friday, pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood tweeted that Vice President Mike Pence should be arrested for treason and executed by a firing squad.
  • He also blamed Chief Justice John Roberts and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell for the election result.
  • The remarks prompted Jenna Ellis, a lawyer for President Donald Trump’s campaign, and Conservative student Nicholas Sandmann to issue tweets distancing themselves from his remarks.
  • Wood doubled the comment over the weekend, saying Pence “should resign” and that he is “good” and likes Trump and America.
  • Wood has filed or joined lawsuits over the past few weeks to block election president Joe Biden’s election victory. Wood has also cited conspiracy theories in the past.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Allies of President Donald Trump are appealing to pro-Trump lawyer L. Lin Wood after he tweeted about the execution of Vice President Mike Pence and the arrest of Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.

On Friday night, Wood published a series of tweeting tweets in which he accused ‘THE REPUBLICANS’ of stealing the 2020 election from Trump. . “

In separate tweets, Wood said the military must arrest Republican figures and that Pence ‘should be’ executed by a firing squad ‘ addition: “He is a coward and will sing like a bird and confess EVERYONE.”

Neither Pence, Roberts, McConnell nor Trump commented on Wood’s tweets, but two prominent allies of the president attacked Wood for his remarks.

Read more: Secret service experts are speculating in group talks about how Trump could be dragged out of the White House if he did not step down on inauguration day.

Jenna Ellis, an advocate for the Trump campaign, tweeted Friday night: “To be clear: I do not support the statements of Advocate Lin Wood. I support the rule of law and the US Constitution.”

Nicholas Sandmann, the pro-Trump high school student who sued several media outlets, also tweeted on Friday, “I’m sorry but what the hell.”

Wood represented Sandmann in February 2019 in his defamation against The Washington Post and other outlets over their coverage of a video that showed him face-to-face with a Native American activist earlier that year.

When challenged over his comments against Wood, Sandmann tweeted on Saturday: “True loyalty involves criticism when necessary.”

Attorney for Lin Wood

Wood in Los Angeles, California, in December 2019.

Apu Gomes / Getty Images

On Friday night, Wood apparently responded to the remarks against him, saying: ‘The tweets about my insanity are high this morning … No worries. It is going well with me. The attacks do not affect me. ‘

He doubled his remarks against Pence over the weekend, saying that Pence should ‘reject the fraud and then resign’, apparently referring to the unfounded allegations that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump as a result of widespread voter fraud.

Early Sunday morning, Wood also posted a photo of himself with four dogs, saying, “I like,” America, Trump, the recently pardoned Michael Flynn, and conspiracy theorist attorney Sidney Powell.

Since election day, Wood has made several attempts to undermine President-elect Joe Biden’s victory and has filed or joined lawsuits to block election results in Georgia and Michigan.

In recent weeks, he has also cited conspiracy theories, including a QAnon-linked theory on Dominion Voting Systems last month and an allegation that convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was still alive earlier this week. Epstein died by suicide while awaiting trial in August 2019.

Meanwhile, Pence has been criticized by Republicans and Trump himself believes he did not adequately support the president’s absurd allegations of electoral fraud.

Since election day, Pence has made few public appearances; he was often absent during Trump’s most damaging moments.

However, the vice president said on Saturday he “welcomed” the efforts of GOP legislators to resist the certification of the election college votes that confirmed Biden’s victory. The objections may delay the certification of the results, but will not change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
