Trump acquittal: Biden urges vigilance to defend ‘fragile’ democracy after indictment | Trump Accusation (2021)

U.S. President Joe Biden urged Americans to defend democracy after Donald Trump’s acquittal during his second indictment, saying, “This sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile.”

Biden said in a statement Saturday night that the case of the charge against his predecessor over the January 6 riot in the Capitol in which five people died is not in dispute, citing the seven Republicans who voted guilty.

“Even those opposed to the conviction, such as McConnell, leader of the Senate, believe that Donald Trump was guilty of a ‘shameful breach of duty’ and ‘practically and morally responsible for provoking the violence’ unleashed on the Capitol, ‘ he said.

Recalling those who fought that day to protect democratic institutions, he added: ‘This sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile. That it must always be defended. That we must always be vigilant … Each of us has a duty and responsibility as Americans, and especially as leaders, to defend the truth and defeat the lies. ‘

Biden spoke hours after Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the second process of indictment – a statement that still dominates the swing of America’s 45th president, even after he leaves office.

After just five days of debate in the chamber where the invasion took place last month, a divided Senate fell ten votes short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict high-profile crimes and crimes. A conviction would have enabled the Senate to vote to qualify him for the future office.

Seven Republicans joined every Democrat in convicting Trump on the charge of ‘inciting insurgency’ after his months-long quest for his defeat by Joe Biden and his deadly conclusion on January 6, when Congress convened to formalize the election results , to overthrow.

The 57-43 vote was the most dual support for conviction ever in a presidential indictment. The result, which has never been questioned, reflects both the still raw anger from senators over Trump’s actions when his supporters stormed the Capitol last month – and the vice-like grip the defeated president still has on his party.

Among the Republicans who were willing to challenge him were Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Trump’s acquittal comes after serious warnings from the nine Democratic House administrators, who served as prosecutors, that Trump still poses a threat to the country and to democracy itself.

“If it is not a major crime and misconduct against the United States, then there is nothing,” Congressman Jaime Raskin, the general manager, pleaded with senators at the last minute before delivering their verdict as jurors and witnesses. . “President Trump must be found guilty of the security and democracy of our people.”

In a speech after the vote, minority leaders Senator Mitch McConnell said Trump’s actions before the attack on the Capitol amounted to a “shameful dereliction of duty” by the former president, which he “practically and morally responsible for evoke the events of the day ”

But McConnell concluded that the Senate was never intended to serve as a ‘moral tribunal’ and instead suggested that Trump would still face criminal prosecution.

“President Trump is still accountable for everything he did while in office,” McConnell said. “He has not escaped anything yet.”

The vote took place on Saturday after the proceedings were briefly thrown into chaos when House officials unexpectedly called witnesses, in an attempt to lift Trump’s mood while the assault unfolded. Caught off guard, Trump’s legal team threatened to fire “at least more than 100” witnesses, saying Pelosi was at the top of their list.

After a furious insecurity in which it appears that the administration’s request could extend the trial by a few more weeks, senators agreed with the prosecutor and Trump’s attorneys to call witnesses. Instead, they agreed to cite the written statement of a Republican congressman as evidence that she was told that Trump sided with the rioters after the House minority leader begged him to stop the January 6 attack.
