Trumo public cargo rule sigue vigente | Univision Immigration News

The public cargo rule that Donald Trump implemented last year and that affects migratory traumas including permanent legal residence (Green Card or green card), ensures vigilance without any type of change, advises experts consulted by Univision Notices.

“Sigue tode en efecto, nada ha cambiado”, dobbelt Josen Guerrero, an immigration lawyer who owns in Miami (Florida). “The President (Biden) announced a commission that will review the rule, but at the moment the immigrants should consider the restrictions at the time of applying for a benefit”, indicated.

The new public procurement rule went into effect on February 24, 2020, before the finals of July, a New York federal judge dismissed the argument that the policy “dissuade immigrants from trying to get rid of covid-19 , a situation where you can arrange the efforts to prevent coronavirus propagation ”.

The governor appealed the fall and the 11th of September the Court of Appeals of the 2nd Circuit “issued a decision allowing the Department of National Security (DHS) to resume its implementation.

Martes Biden signed three orders of executives to migrate to reverse part of the policy that Trump imposed on Trump in the last four years. One of these orders integrates a group to revise the rule and present information in a space of 60 days.

The revision

El Martes Biden has three third-party executive executives:

  • To restore Trump’s legal system;
  • Otra to address the causes of the undocumented migration hacia United States and recover the asylum process; y
  • A third would create a working group to reunite the families affected by the forced separation policy that Trump’s governor implemented on the front, first secret form for more than a year.

In the first decree, an “immediate revision” of the actions of the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) was ordered “regarding the inadmissibility of the public cargo”.
The revision will be in charge of the Secretaries of State and National Security, the General Tax Office and the jefes of other relevant agencies, according to correspondence, which “will review all actions related to the implementation of the inadmissibility of public liability”.

The tarea

Agreed with the decree, the working group will:

The order establishes a 60-day space for both the Secretary of State, as the National Security and Fiscal General entregues their respective informative descriptive actions and steps that their agencies claim to have taken care of.

Paciencia y cautela

“We do not know the impact that will have on the review process and the recommendations made by the members of the commission to the president in the 60-day term”, said Guerrero. “I change clothes, so we can be safe, but we have to be patient and be careful,” he said.

In view of the need to have an immigrant infected by covid-19 and if necessary to help the state to recover, Guerrero says that “initially the immigration service is not considered as a motive for inadequacy because it is. I do not believe that I am going to take care of him ”.

Guerrero dijo adds that “if the recommendations are well received in a place of 60 days, those people who are planning to apply for a migration benefit and have been there for some time in order not to be forced to do so, need to submit their applications only undocumented ”in the United States.

“If you have doubts, the best thing is to talk to your lawyer before reviewing your expedition and the best legal advice available. But if nothing happens to them, in the next few months we will see the status quo, ”he said.

How to pair with the ley

For Jaime Barrón, an immigration advocate who specializes in Dallas (Texas), “has not had an official change in the public charge rule, all persons who are in the process of residing or obtaining another immigration benefit from the they speak and as they write ”.

“I recommend continuing with his process at the moment”, added. Dijo adds that “the changes that (President) Biden can create in the public procurement rule are likely to benefit immigrants, the governor has given enough signals that he will not be as aggressive as Trump.”

In view of the need for some immigrants to fight the pandemic and seek the assistance of the governor, Barrón says that “first there is life and then the papers”.

The final rule of public cargo changes the DHS regulations and describes the manner in which this federal dependency is determined by a person applying for admission to the United States or the status adjustment (green card) ‘is inadmissible’, it is because, or it is probable that at any moment “it is convened in a public cargo”.

But all foreigners will be affected, advised the Pueblo Defender (Ombudsman) of the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). “The final rule applies to certain persons, such as” U “and” T “visa holders, asylum seekers, refugees and other categories”.

