Tribunal Supremo pone punto finale la las aspiraciones de candidato ‘Skriuw in’ de Guánica

The story of the election by the Alcaldia of Guanica read in its final lie that the dictator of Tribunaal Apelativo, which mantuvo a Ismael “Titi” Rodríguez Ramos, del Popular Democratic Party, as municipal executive, prevalence in the Tribunaal Supremo unite 4-4.

March 3, a panel of the Tribunal of Appeals referred to the determination of Tribunal de Primera Instancia which, in synthesis, concludes that the State Election Commission (CEE), according to an account made between the 14th and 15th of January, summed up by aspirant for direct nomination Edgardo Cruz Vélez 38 votes have been taken in advance.

Cruz Vélez, in the appeals presented to the Tribunal Appellate as the Supreme Tribunal, planted the Supreme Court Rebecca De León Ríos equivocó al resolver mediante sentencia sumaria ellegato de Rodríguez Ramos de que, ‘n basis van las actas de la CEE, se déquéndie de duplicidad en el conteo de las 38 papeletas.

The recommendation:

Without embarrassment, the group of four judges who favored the ruling of the Appellate concluded that there were no controversies that would impede the judgment of Leon Ríos on the basis of the evidence prior to its consideration.

“If there is no such thing as a speech, it is clear that the parties have the opportunity to present to the court all the evidence that is available to them in order to try their allegations, some parties hiccuping others”, expresses the opinion of the issuer. by the associated association Ángel Colón Pérez, as the magistrates unite Rafael Martínez Torres, Roberto Feliberti Cintrón y la jueza presidenta, Maite Oronoz Rodríguez.

“As soon as the results of the President of the CEE were announced, the acts – denounced during the madrugada of the 15th of 2021 – presumably not found in the Maletin correspondence, our results are even more alarming than ignoring the evidence of the ”he said -“ Somewhat demonstrated in the years and years in which the decisions of the primary forum were made – that these votes were accounted for, adjudicated and summed up in the Preliminary Information of 21 December 2021 ”, he wrote.

The possibility of empathy in the Supreme Court has been constant since the jubilee, the 24th of December, of the jueza Anabelle Rodríguez Rodríguez, cuya vacante aún no ha sido llenada por el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi.

In the finals of last year, the exgobernadora Wanda Vázquez nominated for the jueza de Apelaciones Maritere Brignoni for the room in the Supreme, but the design when the Senado the most progressive mayor is expected to remove the number.

In a dissident opinion of the associated juez Luis Estrella Martínez, written by his colleagues Mildred Pabón Charneco y Erick Kolthoff Caraballo, argues that “as the ultimate guarantors of the confidence of the citizenry in democracy, this Tribunal has the duty to promote the categorical contestation to this interrogation, the only thing that can be done is to revoke the dictates of the Tribunal of First Instance of this controversy mediating summary sentence ”.

To support the sentencing of the primary forum and the Appellate and to present a clear evidence, expressed by Estrella Martínez, the Supreme brand “awarded a series of incomplete tables and acts on electoral law”.

“Hey, the filo rompió in favor of rigorism and formalism the death anniversary of democracy in Guanica. He, then, without any doubt, the resolution of the cases of cars by way of summary, as a matter of law, in favor of Sen. Rodríguez Ramos and does not represent an adequate balance between the disposition of this controversy and the law of the impartial part to keep his day in court ”, added Estrella Martínez.

The associated association Edgardo Rivera García también disintió de la final sentencia y express that “hubiera expedited the recourse and hubiese result that the celebration of a Vista in the merits ante the Tribunal de Primera Instance”.

The remaining 38 votes for Cruz Vélez, Rodríguez Ramos were prevalent with 2,384 votes, for a monkey sale 11 over the exit. It is considered that it will be celebrated in January, and that at this time the sale of the sale, was the result of a preliminary ruling by the Supreme Court, which disposed of that Cruz Vélez debían adjudicates votes only voter not hubiera market the encassilla that accompanies the column.
