Tribunal revokes its decision and authorizes Pepca to incorporate Díaz Rúa financiers in knowledge

The Collegiate National Tribunal of the National District authorized the Special Prosecution Service of the Administrative Corruption (Pepca), incorporates within its documentary evidence a CD containing financial information of the employees of the accused Víctor Díaz Rú.

The decision adopted by the judges Gisell Méndez and Jisell Naranjo, with the dissenting vote of the Tania Yunes Magistrate, while acquiring an objection appeal presented by Pepca, Wilson Camacho and fiscal Mirna Ortiz

The tribunal revoked the decision of the juvenile court, giving it an objection to the lawyers of Díaz Rúa establishing in the case, that the order was not placed in favor of the plea, decision against the public Ministry presented the appeal of the opposition.

However, the tribunal has warned that there will be no objection to all the information contained in this CD, about Víctor Manuel Díaz Guerrero, head of the imputed Díaz Rúa.

Last week, the decision of the General Court with the dissenting vote of the magistrates Tania Yunes and Jisell Naranjo, is the last to issue a saved vote, summoned to the President of the General Court Gisell Méndez, who came to admit that he had allowed the inclusion of dicha prueba.

With this in mind, the Public Ministry is seeking to enforce the immediate decision to exclude the incorporation of probes, including an objection presented by the technical defense of the accused Díaz Rúa.

In the audience, the Public Ministry alleges that financial information was obtained in a similar manner, with the judicial correspondent issued by the magistrate José Alejandro Vargas (being the coordinator of the Judgments of the Instruction of the National District.

Wilson Camacho, who captured the litigant team representing the Public Ministry, stated that the order was executed at a reasonable time and that the court had entered the court.

It was stated that Mr Vargas authorized the organ prosecutor to apply to the Superintendence of Banks for data relating to the companies of Díaz Rúa and that the procedure was followed, in which case the different laws should be included within the evidence against the taxpayer.

In this regard, the Public Ministry argues that the Constitution of the Dominican Republic states that no citizen can claim that it is not enforced in the law, in addition to the fact that the criminal procedure norm precedes the realization of this type of diligence , because in this case it corresponds to the incorporation of dichas pruebas.

For the US $ 92 million paid by the Brazilian company Odebrecht to change favor with the work of the Dominican State workers, in addition to Víctor Díaz Rúa his processors Ángel Rondón Rijo, Tommy Galán Grullón, Andrés Bautista García, Conrad.

The organ investigator alleges that he was richly accused of violating the Dominican Penal Code, the antiquity Ley 72-02 on Lavado de Activos and the Ley 448-06, on Soborno.
