Tribunaal reanudará juilio preliminar contra implicados del assesinado de Yuniol Ramírez

The Judgment of the Instruction of the National District, renews this notice the consent of the solicitation of justice in contravention of those involved in the assignment of the lawyer and university professor Yuniol Ramírez Ferreras, of whom he authored .

The hearing was held on the 10th of the month in the tribunal located at the second plant of the Palace of Justice of Ciudad Nueva.

The accusation of the death of Ramírez Ferreras took place in the United States on April 21, 2018, following an order of arrest obtained in contravention of the Dominican Republic’s Public Ministry and deported by an Appellate Court reopening an appeal.

In return, the defendant had allegations that he had been deported to the Dominican Republic, alleging that his life was punctual in the country, and that he knew all the details and participants in the conspiracy to kill Ramirez.

Ramírez’s caretaker was involved in the shooting of Argenis Contreras, Heydi Carolina Peña; José Mercado Blanco (El Grande), Víctor Elisander Ravelo Campos (“El Herrero”) and Jorge Luis Abreu Fabián (“DJ y El Taxista”), accused of encroaching on Argenis Contreras and intending to destroy them in this case. In this context, the Director General of the Metropolitan Bus Service (OMSA), Manuel Rivas, and Coronel Faustino Díaz have a relationship with this principle.

On October 12, 2017, the body of the lawyer was found with a chain in the spring attached to a block inside an area of ​​Manoguayabo, Santo Domingo Oeste. The lawyer was last seen at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) around 1:00 on the previous day.

He has known the disappearance and the posterior assassination of the lawyer Ramírez, unless there is a version that he tried to extort from the director of the OMSA, Manuel Rivas, who was imprisoned together with the coronel of the National Police .

Tanto Rivas como Díaz salieron en libertad el 4 augustus 2020 liege de que el Cuarto Juzgado de Instrucción del Distrito Nacional le variara la coercion por la de fianza.
