Trevor Lawrence officially announced his decision to join the NFL 2021 Concept

Trevor Lawrence reveals social speeches in Clemson’s decision to join the NFL, making it likely to be the first global recruiting draft

If there is any real drama to the fans of the fanatics of Clemson, Trevor Lawrence the end of an official manner is this Wednesday, publishing a video on social media to announce that it is directing the NFL draft.

“My time here has been amazing, and it’s a Clemson Tiger forever “, dijo Lawrence in the video.

Lawrence drive to Clemson has a national championship as freshman in 2018 and has his first 25 starts for the Animals antes de caer ante GVE in the duel for the champion of the past year. Consignment meter to your team at College Football Playoff in the three years of his career in Clemson. Second final in the career by the Trofeo Heisman, announced martes by night, and it is hoped that it will be the first global recruiter, for the Jacksonville Jaguars, in the 2021 draft of the NFL.

The head coach de Clemson, Dabo Swinney, description a Lawrence “el burgemeester ganador del que me he rodeado”, y elogió al quarterback su subaba fuera del campo, también.

Lawrence helped organize a social justice movement in Clemson during the past, and was an integral part of the “#WeWantToPlay” movement that helped press the sports leagues to follow the time of American college football in the midst of the coronary pandemic .

“Mirando atras, I hope that my legacy is that there is a great companion and a great person in general, more than the way he played” Lawrence. “I was treated by the people. I wanted to be the principal for what he recorded.”

Lawrence initially dijo “College GameDay” de ESPN in October that planeaba will enter the draft, but later it is echoed to the back of this comment, saying “Who knows?” the one that deprives the future, the one that helps to feed the speculation that it will regress to school in case of not being content with the team that is likely to recruit it.

“I simply intend to enjoy my last months here, if that is what I decided to do”, dijo Lawrence at the moment. “It’s simply a matter of debate, and obviously, it does not intend to generate a controversy. I do not want the person to know more about me than he does, so I always have to walk in a corner where I have to do something simply by for what you say in the passage “.

Have a positive attitude towards COVID-19 and lose the parties Clemson front to Boston College y Notre Dame, Lawrence regresso to lead to the Animals ‘n a sixth consecutive title of the ACC, antes de sucumbir ante Ohio State in the semifinals College Football Playoff last week.

Lawrence finalize your career in Clemson third in the history of the school in yards per pass (10,098) and second in touchdown passes (90).

“To all my companions in the long run of the last three years, I have the most fun time I have ever had”, dijo Lawrence. “Miro will come in these three years and connect the best records”.
