trastorno que arrecia en alumnos Medicina

If the cone as ‘cheat syndrome’, and is a trastorn that provokes in women to suffer a false sensation of fracaso in the labor, academic or social ambition. In the Faculties of Medicine is a little more common than what powder looks like: these new ones from the new students of the Thomas Jefferson University (New Jersey) conceded that its effects, followed by a study conducted by researchers at the center. Use ‘ghost’ to persevere throughout the course.

The work was published by Huisartskunde in a study by the investigator Susan Rosenthal, who can alleviate the need to address the problem of this disorder in the future of medicine. For this, his team analyzed 257 first-year promotion students from 2020. El 87% of the notification of ‘grado alto o muy alto’ of ‘syndrom del impostor’.

Depression, anxiety and agony are some of the consequences of this syndrome, which provoke in many medical students an “emotional anguish” that the impediment to “interiorize their logs”. This mentality of “self-deprecating fraud” is particularly affecting those people with self-harm or especially demanding consigma mismas.

Syndrome including antes matriculation

According to the citation work, the students with high degrees of ‘importer’ syndrome ‘will suffer their effects with greater intensity in accordance with the course, although they will start with percibilis including “before matriculation” and with a degree “unexpectedly high”.
What is this phenomenon? Loose examine the apuntan a la “Strong force” what students care about, as well as the high competence that exists between aspirants to study Medicine.

The Rosenthal proposition points out that the support between companions and assessors is individual and useful resources to help the importer’s syndrome. The first step, assured, is to “normalize” this distorted self-perception “through individualized sessions with professors” and “Discussions in small groups with mentors and companions”.

The incidental information that the students who form part of the study study the “traditional” plan of the faculty of medicine. Next year, the university will present a new program of studies that “will enhance the collaborative learning process”. The investigators will try to change the situation of the students in this case.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
