Tras paralysis, Jesus “Chyno” Miranda HERSTEL

Weekly variations appear in their social networks, Jesus “Chyno” Miranda, sends a greeting to all the followers who are waiting for their recovery.

“Do I love you as much as I do?… By repeating in social speeches after a time without talking to you about this. These days are the best in the world now and then in the last ten days of this year, there are many, many bends and the best… ”.

Jesus “Chyno” Miranda regressed to the speeches

The song, which suffers from a temporal paralysis and which has begun a slow and painful recovery in order to develop the mobility of its braces and piercings, announces with benevolence that initiates a new stage.

“Good, first training day at the gym”

“In the gym and nowhere, reading here at home, singing, but content that you can recover little by little my muscles…”.

Jesus 'Chyno' Miranda

Tras paralysis, Jesus “Chyno” Miranda HERSTEL

As recorded, the interpreter commenced to keep malicious people at the beginning of 2020, just as empezaban the preparations of the reunion with Nacho. After several months of speculation, the singer sent a statement informing him that the conclusion of Covid-19 of which was contagious in March, he had a peripheral neuropathy that he had lost his mobility to the mayor.

This is the first time that the Venezuelan singer has been admitted to the rehabilitation clinic to be self-employed by his client, here is the expression of allegory and hope for this 2021 that is about to start.

“A long process, but no impossibly late, if 2021 agarrense that you see with all…”

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Tal vez te interese. – Chyno Miranda: Filtran video del cantante en silla de ruedas

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