Tras memes, vending to Bernie Sanders’ 40 miles away

A monkey inspired by the famous photo of the Vermont senator, Bernie Sanders, during which the presidential presidential investor was supported by more than $ 40 million, money that would be destined for a food aid program for the needy people.

The creator of the crochet moneylender, Tobey King, was inspired by the image of senior presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, sent during the presidential investorhood Joe Biden the 20th of January.

Sanders was caught with a horrible scythe, the aborted pelvis and with a handful of men tajidas by a master of his state, who was converted by the committee of the social speeches.

King submitted his Creation on eBay and promised that all the money raised would be donated to a charitable organization.

Also read: “Bernie’s Straps”; the best foodie memes of senator Bernie Sanders

The idea of ​​the sovereign to see the truth that holds the image of Sanders during the investment, and because it creates multiple memes, and that the money will be destined for Meal on Wheels, an organization without the love of Sanders has supported in the passage, and that comrades comedy to the necessary mayors.

The coin, which replicates the iconic pose of the progressive senator, will be sold on 99 cents and only three days off the $ 20 mile $ 300, the bid offers.

To see the success of the subasta, the platform eBay was compromised to donate the same amount of money to the NGO elected by King, with which the initiative has accumulated more than 40 miles in donations in only a few days.

Photo published by Tobey Perales King on the eBay platform. Forum: EFE

“Senator Sanders has long been a supporter of Meals on Wheels and it’s unbelievable that at the moment he looks forward to the focus of inspiration inspiring others to be strong against the gloom and solitude of ours. burgemeesters “, indicated in a communication Jenny Young, spokesman for the organization.

The news of Sanders’ campaign has also begun to use the image of the senator during the investment to become successful and all the money raised will be spent on the same charitable organization.

