Tras inciting turmoil, Trump wanted to return to normalcy

(CNN) – President Donald Trump intends a surrealistic regression to normalcy a day after inciting a turmoil of his parties to the disturbances that culminated in the first violation of the United States Capitol in 200 years.

Jueves, awarded the Presidential Medal of Liberty to golfers Annika Sorenstam and Gary Player, as well as a Medal of Liberty posed to Olympic athlete Babe Didrikson Zaharias, a CNN employee at Casa Blanca.

Trump’s intention to return to normalcy is being produced in the midst of the global pandemic in the run-up to an impressive move that has given rise to several deaths and the capture of the Capitol. Apparently, some members of the cabinet have held discussions about the Invocation of the Entry 25 in the midst of preoccupations with what could be done before Trump leaves the cargo, various officials are receiving frequent awards and have been in talks to presidencial.

In another show of intent to “not pass anything here,” Trump called by telephone at the Republican National Inquiry’s winter meeting and sent a brief message to a friendly member of the committee working on the events of Wednesday. .

As a matter of fact, it is debated that the Committee is currently taking the stage of an active crime despite finding a case of mourning for the Seder el mircoles, Trump is obliged to cancel his video discourse planned for the Jews at night. Debia grabarse with team of the Committee currently inaccessible.

And the four, it is hoped that Trump will lead the presidential retreat of Camp David, said the official of the White House, but it is clear that the trip was canceled.

The Casa Blanca has announced for the first time on March 6 that Sorenstam and Player will receive the Medallion of Liberty on March 23, that it was announced that the coronavirus pandemic will be extended throughout the country. The inclusion of the Zaharias diocese in the list of homeschoolers is new.

The honor of the player is opvallende because the golfer abrased apartheid in South Africa, even though he was stabbed equivocado, and said he was on trial GOLF in June it happened that it was ‘orgulloso’ that its form of thinking hubiese cambiado. “His inclusion marks an unfavorable decision, given that the president’s proposal has led to racial malpractice.

Trump, an avid golfer, previously honored Tiger Woods with a Medal of Liberty. The president passed 313 days during his tenure at a golf club.

With 13 days remaining in Trump’s presidency, the White House has seen the solemnity of the Medallion of Liberty, the nation’s highest civil honor. The presentation of the juveniles is not included in Trump’s public program, which states that Trump will hold “many meetings” and “many will be called.”

During the week, Trump presented the Medal of Liberty to the Allied Representative of the Capitol, Devin Nunes, and it is hoped that he will also honor another member of Congress, Representative Jim Jordan, before lifting the cargo.

Kaitlan Collins, Jeremy Diamond and Kevin Liptak of CNN’s contributor and reporter.
