Trained version of “Patria y Vida” in bed

| 19/04/2021 – 13:26 (GMT-4)

The exit theme Patria y VidaSince its launch in February, it has accumulated fifty million reproductions on YouTube, including its first urban version, songs by the singer, Cuban composer and producer known for his artistic number An1mala.

In this new version in Cubatón and Reparto, An1mala mantuvo the participation of the original artists, –Yotuel Romero, Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky– and includes a fragment of it, which beskrywing como su granito de arena a la caused by the freedom of Cuba.

The version was aired with a video clip that also includes images of Asiel Babastro’s production with other images from Cuba, the patriotic symbols, Antonio Maceo, José Martí and Cubans supporting a Patria and Vida cartel written with the phrase in his cpos.

“Yo pido libertad, para mi tierra y toda mi gente, ya la sangre está caliente y el mambí que llevamos dentro que esté despertando y grita presente. Los de adentro y los de afuera gritemos ‘el cambio es ya’, ya no es Patria o Muerte, ahora es Patria y Vida “, canta An1mala en su version en cubatón.

An1mala explained that he would like to have a more serious version of the Cuban girls from the island, which consumes much more the Cuban and therefore the part is occupying an important place among the musical preferences.

“Fuego con los opresores. Abajo los dictadores”, says the artist at the end of the theme.

Yotuel does not like to read An1mala this new urban version of his theme: “Thanks An1mala for this version of Patria Y Vida. A rumbiaaaaar family” says the comment, which covers the 4 mil like.

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