Traditional Ghanaian medicines, promoters against tropical diseases

Traditional Ghanaian medicines, promoters against tropical diseases

Florence Kwah, a farmer who could only farm on one acre of land because she did not have the financing and access to land. – ESPERANZA AMPAH – ARCHIVE


The discovery of new medicines is vital for recording the eradication of tropical diseases (ETD) in Africa and everywhere in the world. Now, the investigators are publishing in a study in the journal ‘PLOS Verwaarloosde tropiese sicknesses’, because he identifies traditional Ghanaian medicine that works in the laboratory against esquistosomiasis, oncocercosis and linfatic filariasis, three endemic endemic diseases of Ghana.

The main intervention for the ETD in Ghana is currently the massive administration of some medicines recycled repeatedly, which can lead to a reduced efficacy and the increase in drug resistance.

Chronic squamous cell carcinoma infections, oncocercosis and lineage filariasis can be fatal. Esquistosomiasis is caused by trangodos sanguíneos’ Schistosome haematobium ‘y’ S. mansoni ‘. Oncocercosis, the result of the riots, is caused by the guinea pig parasite ‘Onchocerca volvulus’, while the linophatic filariasis, also called elephantiasis, is caused by the guarana parasitic parasite ‘Wuchereria bancrofti’.

In the new work, Dorcas Osei-Safo, of the University of Ghana, and his obituary colleagues, of the Federation of Practitioners of Traditional Medicinal Products of Ghana, 15 traditional medicines used to treat ETD in local communities.

The institute medicines are available in preparations of grass herbs or grass herbs in powder. In all cases, crude extracts are prepared from the herbs and analyzed in the laboratory to determine the ability to treat various defects of the neural tube.

Dos extracts, NTD-B4-DCM and NTD-B7-DCM, will show a high activity against S. mansoni adult gussets, decreasing gusanos’ movement by 78.4% and 84.3% respectively. A different extract, NTD-B2-DCM, is the most active against the adult glands of ‘Onchocera onchengi’, killing 100% of the males and more than 60% of the hembras.

Also of the 26 extracted crude probes, including NTD-B4-DCM and NTD-B2-DCM, also show good activity against the tripanomas, parasites that cause other human diseases than the original objectives of the traditional medicines.

“To adopt the auto-tracking systems he has developed over a long period of time, we could potentially unblock a large number of unexplored investigations and give way to conducting solid research investigations to ensure safe investigations.
