Trade rumor: Colts ‘want more of a two-year kite’ than a ‘full marriage’ to Eagles QB Carson Wentz

According to the MMQBs Albert Breer, the Indianapolis Colts prefers ‘more of a two-year pilot’ over a ‘full-fledged marriage’ to former Philadelphia Eagles franchise quarterback Carson Wentz– should he eventually be acquired in a trade:

“Both the Colts and Bears are interested, but there are hang-ups for both,” Breer writes.

‘My point is that Indy wants it to be more of a two-year deal than a full-fledged marriage to Wentz, and it’s important to remember that the Colts did not put their first player on the table for Stafford – which shows the kind of discipline GM Chris Ballard works with. As far as Chicago is concerned, objecting to future assets can be a tough sell to ownership, as the team’s soccer buyer will fight to keep a job this year. ”

‘I also think the experience that the coaches at both places (Frank Reich in Indy, John DeFilippo in Chicago) have with Wentz has cut both ways. They know what is good. They understand the ins and outs of what Wentz needs to mechanically repair. They also know how he has reacted to hard coaching in the past, and how the Eagles were able to score some weak points in his game during his first two years. ”

It could certainly be a disappointment if the Eagles expect the Colts to hand over a single first-round pick to Wentz, let alone two first-round picks – as Indianapolis general manager. Chris Ballard just want an initial ‘two-year test’ – with a wait-and-see approach beyond that.

Regarding any NFL team’s future hits for Wentz:

In essence, however, it looks like it could easily become a two-year deal, which would just as well fit the preference of the Colts (although the franchise would presumably be excited if Wentz performed very well on the field – and thus his entire play out) current contract until end 2024):

The hope is that he will be reunited with the Colts’ head coach Frank Reich—What was previously Wentz’s offensive coordinator in Philadelphia (where the two shared significant success and built a positive working relationship), that the former 2nd overall pick of the 2016 NFL draft can regain its previous All-Pro form from 2017 (or close to it).

During the conspicuous season, Wentz made 33 deliveries of 7 distinctions as a legal candidate for the NFL’s MVP caliber, before unfortunately having a torn ACL.

In Indianapolis, Wentz will be supported by a strong offensive line (assuming the Colts can lighten the vacant left-handed tackle) and a powerful running game – while playing in Reich’s ‘quarterback-friendly’ attack.

However, Wentz must continue to struggle – as he threw 16 interceptions to 15 interceptions last season, before being in favor of a rookie full-back. Jalen Hurts late in the piece, the Colts want an easy outing just after two seasons.

No damage, no dirt (relatively speaking).

This makes sense, given the risk and potential future high salary barriers that Wentz is going to do differently.

At the moment, if Breer’s speculation is true, it appears that the Colts are not prepared to hand over a significant trading position to the Eagles any time soon, as the Wentz franchise only considers it an initial short-term investment (with perhaps the chance on much more).
