Trabajadora presents strong reaction by vacuna vs. COVID; ‘if there is a medicine and no problem’: IMSS

Dr. Manuel Cervantes Ocampo, Coordinator of Integration at the First Level Salary of the IMSS, informs that an employee of the institution presents a adverse force reaction caused by the evacuation against COVID-19.

At a press conference held this week, the official indicated that the worker needed the application of an antihistamine, as well as a medication to relieve the allergy that was present.

“In the case of our company, which can not give more dates for confidentiality, presents intense pain, nightmares and difficulties in breathing and passing food.

“We record that in each evacuation center there is a living room where the staffs wait 30 minutes before they can return to their homes or work. Our work companion presents these events 4 hours later,

Cervantes indicates that, in addition to this event, between the 7 mil 728 people IMSS employees who have been evacuated are present 22 cases of reactions against the vaccine, los cuales han sido leves.

Without embarrassment, the official recalls that this type of event always has its hope that a vacancy will apply.

“As it is hoped, and it is very important, he presented some attributable events to the vacancy. Live, 22 cases that are worth commenting on, one grave “I only need the application of an antihistamine, a medicine to relieve the allergy that you are producing, without any problem at the moment”.

“His events are attributable to the evacuation that he hopes for, such as the pain of cabbage, nightmares, some palpitations that he attended in a very punctual manner”.

Soon, Pfizer’s vacancy is the only one implemented in Mexico.

Also you can be interested:

Argentina, first country in Latin America to authorize the use of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

Sheinbaum promises criminal penalties for anyone who ‘jumps’ to file a vacancy on CDMX

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