Tourist arrest for incident in Camuy

Charges against Vanessa Fuentes Campos were presented this morning by an incident in which the New York City resident resigned in an aggressive manner and intended to arrest various agents who dispatched a vehicle against a station parked on the road, police confirmed. .

It is owned by agents Omar Soto, Manuel Piña Figueroa and captain Rafael Asencio Terron found in the recreation area of ​​Peñón Brusi, which is located in the Membrillo bar in Camuy, carrying a ballot box on the Ley 22 of Transit to a engine Nissan Sentra, when Fuentes Campos llegó corriendo hacia los agents de manera aggressive, intentional agredirlos y comenzó a insultarlos con palabras soeces, por lo que fue arrested.

Fiscal Gretchen Camacho radically reduced charges for obstruction of justice against Fuentes Campos, 50 years.

The case was presented before the judge Rafael Lugo, who determined to cause and imposed a $ 25,000 loan to Fuentes Campos, which could not be paid, being entered in the Bayamón district.

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