Tormenta de nieve azota Texas y millones quedan sin luz. Other 45 states are on alert

A massive tornado engulfed a large fringe of the United States on Sunday and Monday, provoking strong forces and accumulation of ice, with at least 46 meteorological alert stations. Texas is one of the most affected, with 2.3 million people living without electricity this month in mid-temperature temperatures and a torment that is rated by “extremely pale pink”.

The National Meteorological Service informs the madrugada of the moon that at least 150 million people estaban bajo advertencias de hielo o climate invernal. While the torment continues to intensify, authorities are urging residents to prepare and avoid going to the next days, and that another front universal azotará al centro del pais a partir del martes.

The cost of cost to cost has given rise to millions of people all over the country while the heel in the carriages provoked shocks with multiple vehicles.

[Una inusual y poderosa tormenta de nieve sorprende a Texas]

If you have registered in addition massive cancellations of flights. This home has a total of 2,388 flights and it has been suspended for more than 2,600 months, according to Flight Aware page. También hubo problems in the red viaria, with carreteras that are volvieron intransitables.

La nieve y el hielo cubrieron grandes franjas de los EE. UU. the domingo, leaning towards areas like the coast of the Gulf of Texas. AP

The powerful power supply includes the Texas coast, where there are no electricity bills. More than 2.3 million dollars and bargains gevestig sin luz a las 7 de la mañana (local time), according to data from the web, a site for following public services.

The Texas Electricity Conservancy Council (ERCOT, in English), which administers the state’s electricity flow, has begun making rotating shifts from the moon to the temperate moon, which means miles of people without light when temperature ranges from 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 degrees Celsius) near Dallas and 20 degrees (approximately less than 5 degrees Celsius) around Houston.

[Averigua con nuestra nueva herramienta dónde y cuándo puedes vacunarte cerca de tu casa]

“We love teens who want to put their safety first”, posted on Twitter ERCOT. Describe the rotating courts as an “ultimate resource for preserving the reliability of the electrical system in its joint”. It is hoped that the interruptions will last all Monday in the morning.

An extremely light pink tortoise

Texas is preparing for the inclement climate during the mayor’s at the end of the week. Gov. Greg Abbott, who issued a disaster statement for the state’s 254 states, warned Saturday: “All Texas is facing an extremely painful winter storm.”

“Probably has more news about a tierra franchise to a degree that never before have you seen Texas history“, Aggregate the Politician at a Press Conference.

The tower has raised staff in Houston to help residents prepare for energy shortages and mobility problems similar to the riots after Hurricane Rita, die category 5, which is the zone in September 2005.

Like the governor of Texas like Oklahoma, Kevin Stitt, and Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, -todos republicanos- he was active in the National Guard to help state agencies with rates that include recruiting drivers for the snow.

[Más de 160 millones de personas afectadas por múltiples tormentas invernales en Estados Unidos]

The president, Joe Biden, declares the domingo la emergencia en Texas en ordenó asistencia federal. The declaration allows the Department of National Security and the Federal Agency for Emergency Management to coordinate in cases of disaster and assistance proportions, equipment and remedies to those affected by the temporal.

Alert for ice and snow accumulation

The National Meteorological Service indicates the domino that the prognosticator has the March of the month before 8 to 12 pulgadas (20 to 30 centimeters) of snow in the center of Oklahoma and from 4 to 8 pulgadas (10 to 20 centimeters) in an area extending from the east of Texas hasta the Valley of Ohio in the north.

The cars given by Michael Given are on a pedestrian crossing during a winter tower in Oklahoma City. Gegewe dice that is the work of a restaurant that was spared during the coronavirus pandemic (Sue Ogrocki).AP

“It has numerous accident information for recent heel formation,” said Bob Oravec, chief meteorologist at the National Meteorological Service. “Creo que hoy habrá a great amenity to mediate that the system advances hacia the noreste“, aggregate.

The accumulation of ice between a decimation and a quarter of a mile (0.25 and 0.6 centimeters) was possible in the east of Louisiana, Mississippi, the center of Tennessee, Kentucky and in the frontier region of Virginia Occidental in Ohio, dijo Oravec.

[21 autos chocan en una carretera en Nashville a causa del hielo en las vías]

Seattle, Washington, registers 11.1 snow pulses between the fires and Saturday, in one of the 10 most historic cities of the city. Solo el sábado, la ciudad registró 8.9 pulgadas de nieve, a record that was kept alive since 1969, 52 years ago. Minnesota set 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Zach Mayer performed at the Capitolio and Olympia, Washington, February 11, 2021.AP Photo / Ted S. Warren

In Memphis, Tennessee, the newcomer also began to cover calls and editions and, although the main features of the era were transitory, there were lanes formed in the tenants’ offices of the commissioning commissioner.

Canceled flights and covered carriages

The new road also affected Texas airports, with 760 more canceled flights at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

American Airlines announced that a total of 345 of its flights were canceled at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport during the first days of the domestic war. The airline is signaling that the tower will also affect its flights throughout the region, with reduced operations and cancellations at airports in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Quitanieves is working to unveil the loophole during a February 14, 20-21 winter strike in the Oklahoma City.AP

Security officials are also advised to travel by car. During the first days of the domestic war, the Texas Carreter Patrol was informed of various shocks in the Texas west, including one involving 25 vehicles and closing part of the interest group 20 in the western direction.

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The Patrol Patrol of the Oklahoma Commune announced that part of the Turner Turnpike roadway will be closed to multiple vehicle accidents, while the Oklahoma Department of Transportation indicates that the corridor over interest number 35 will establish a new carport Izquierdo and it is hoped that the conditions will prevail.

Reduce electricity consumption in Texas

The Texas Electricity Conservancy has given customers the opportunity to reduce electricity consumption as much as possible through March. También aconsejan cerrar las persianas para reducer de caloris perdissas a travers de las ventanas y evitu eluso electrodomésticos de gran consumie

“We are experimenting with an electric demand without precedent for exceeding the extremely freezing temperatures of Texas,” said Bill Magness, President and CEO of ERCOT.

A woman in the middle of a snowstorm in San Antonio, Texas.AP

“At the same time, we are suffering with shortcomings of generation [eléctrica] more than the normal flow of conventional turbine turbines and limited available natural gas pumps ”, added.

Electric courts in the rest of the country

In the Portland, Oregon area, at least 290,000 people are permanently without electricity, while Virginia reports 150,000 electric cards, according to data.

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“Our hope is that the Mayor will stay ahead, but some customers will be affected during various days,” said Steve Corson, spokesman for the Pacific, Gas and Electric company, one of the main power providers in Portland.

The public service company will train Nevada and Montana squadrons to help restore energy, according to the communiqué. Other public service companies, which provide information on other 25,000 court cases, are also working to recover electricity and bargains.

The information from AP and The New York Times.
