Topics that President Biden’s migration plan takes so long to implement | Univision Immigration News

The first reactions to the company’s martes de tres ordinates executive migratory fueron favorable to the image of President Joe Biden, who left open two weeks in the Casa Blanca. But it is clear that the opening hours will start with pre-occupations, not according to the president’s plans, at the time when they will be implemented.

In the last four years (from 2017 to 2021), former President Donald Trump will implement another ‘zero tolerance’ policy to curb undocumented immigration and relocate to legal immigration. It has carried out more than 400 executive actions between decrees and memoranda, giving it the participation of the Congress.

Biden is using the constitutional hermit, the executive branch, to reverse Trump’s lawsuit. But to deplete current migration policy at this time, a factor that many are not part of the scenario that is imagined.

Between applause and themes

“We welcome the steps that the Biden administration has taken until now to begin the process of rebuilding our asylum system,” said Omar Jadwat, director of the American Immigrant Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). litigation team that challenges various of Trump’s migrant policies.

“However, it is important that the High Court does not include an immediate action to review and dismantle more of the illegal and inhumane policies that this administration has and will have. momento ”, agrega.

This group encounters miles of migrants who are currently encroaching on Mexican territory awaiting resolution of their asylum cases in the Immigration Court (EOIR).

Between the year 2019 and March of 2020, when the frontier was closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, more than 65,000 people were evacuated to Mexican territory from the Market of the Migrant Protection Program (MPP). The EOIR currently has a maximum of 1.3 million accumulated cases and some processes will take between 2 and 3 years to be completed.

“Comprando tiempo”

“Biden’s executive orders do not exist because the Cambian cases are immediately, in order for the investigator to have the governing body and who need to follow to modify Trump’s migration policy,” said Ezequiel Hernández, a Phoenix immigration lawyer.

“His recommendations, instructions for proceeding with an investigator to deal with the public cargo, with the asylum, with the MPP, with the situation in Central America to detain the undocumented migratory flow”, indicated.

Hernandez says that “these ordinances are maneuvers to emit other ordinances. It is taking time for the pandemic of the covid to pass, for it to fail the Republicans and soothe the anguish of the undocumented ”.

People invest, elaborate propositions and enter into the presidency, “many things are equal as a matter of course, for example, the hopes”, Doubles Hernandez. “La gente no debe tener tan alta expectativa. And for those who are here for example in the deportation process, there are also tendencies that need to be followed. Biden llegó with the promise to make changes by means of executive orders of immediate, per reality is that the execution of those orders takes time ”.

An example

In the executive order regarding the creation of an integral regional mark to address the causes of immigration and to create an order system and ensure asylum seekers, Biden Order revises the eligibility of women coming to the United States.

The objective is to determine whether domestic violence and pandillas, of the causes eliminated during Trump’s governing body, will be reversed or, on the contrary, the governing body will seek refuge with persons arguing their causes in their offenses.

The immigration law alone is considered to have five reasons for seeking asylum in the United States, whether for reasons of race, religion, nationality, relevance to a social group and in particular political opinion.

But the revision will not take place soon. Biden ordered the General Tax Office and the Secretary of the Department of National Security (DHS), in a space of 180 days, to conduct an exhaustive examination of the regulations, precedent-setting decisions and important internal directives that require asylum applications, and “Refugee Condition Determinations to Evaluate If United States Brinda Protects People from Domestic Violence or Pandillas of a Manner Compatible with International Standards”.

It also states that in a space of 270 days (many months) both officials will promote joint regulations, in compliance with the applicable law, which will circumvent the circumstances in which a person must be considered a member of a ‘particular social group’.

It is said that when collecting the respective rules of interpretation in the Federal Registry, there is a space of between 60 and 90 days for public comment. And 30 more days when final rule is announced.

Cambio complex

The example related to the causes of asylum is only one between the labyrinthine complex in which the immigration laws are located. “The solution to the challenge of immigration in this country, and everywhere in the world, will be more slow than what the people want”, doubled Rebeca Sánchez Roig, an immigration lawyer who owns Miami (Florida) for more than 15 years years ownership as immigration tax for the Department of Justice.

He warned that the solution to the migration problem would be more than the executive order firm, and that the reversal of Trump’s media measures would not be taken to “open the front door and allow all to import advertising.”

“If it is difficult to intend for those who want to enter the United States to work, but, without a program, without a specific visa intended for this proposal, simply do not have the right to enter it or any other country simply for work.

In view of the time taken by Biden to present information and recommendations, Sánchez-Roig says that “the governor has taken into account the urgency of this problem” and the time many have hoped for a response, as the case of the miles of migrants who awaits the resolution of its asylum cases in Mexico. The families are separated separately from the previous governor.

A plan for a change

The governing body is working to develop a plan and to make it known first, “the extent of the many actions taken by each agency to promote Trump’s draconian immigration policy,” the lawyer said.

“We are creating a brand to address the causes of immigration in general. I believe that it is important because Trump, through his own actions, increased immigration while eliminating the assistance provided by the United States to the North Triangle. Trump said that if he eliminates this help, he will increase the number of people that Buscarian migrates to in large numbers. For this reason, it is their policy to support those who seek to retire, and in which case they extend the asylum process. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy, ”he said.

Ultimately, Sánchez-Roig commands’ immigrants who are inside the United States in hopes of a new policy, ‘who have and contracted a good immigration advocate, One with experience’. And that by “listening to the recommendations of friends or notaries, you can lose your permanence rights in the United States”.

“But most importantly. Remember that not all immigrants can benefit from the change of policy; many simply did not want to have a benefit for much that they wanted. As recently as an individual, he decided that living and working in the United States was irrelevant. Nadie has the right to do so in no part of the world. It’s like saying that, because I’m gonna win the lottery, I’m gonna win. What one wants is not relevant. What permits the lion is what triumphs, ”he said.

